Chapter 17.

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I realised my book is dying but i kinda thought it through too much to give up 😭

prepare for techno's trauma we're unveiling it this chapter


3rd Person POV:

Wilbur stood at his desk as he stared down at the perfect pair of lovebirds outside, Dream and Techno who seemed to drown themselves in the most random talks for hours. They can be talking about something meaningful that could be a great life lesson, even though none of them learn or live up to what they say, they could.. be making the most random jokes that are only between them and others are slow to get it, or in not so rare cases, Techno is the only one talking. Either about some crazy blood crazed story or about books that really interest him, but Dream can never get bored of hearing the pinkette's voice, on the contrary that's his only motivation during the day, waking him up instantly and giving him an unlimited amount of energy.

But enough Dream and Techno, sure they're all cutesy but for two people who lock their feelings away from eachother, they really do have a healthy relationship. Wil was surprised because he's never seen his brother just so... true to himself?

The brunette shouldn't be all caved in his room, he's not used to this habit anymore. Normally only Tech does this but.. now Wilbur is the one having no fun.
He really missed Sally, he always gets reminded this time of year just how much he needs her, how much he adored every contact with her. He'd always get grumpy when she's late because of late emergency cases, on the contrary he wouldn't mind letting others die just so he can get his turn at spending time with his beloved.
His eyes dimmed over the book he was reading just a few minutes ago, before he got distracted by the two outside.

These were Sally's notes, which he had to go outside right now and give them to Dream, so he can ensure that they get back in her hands safely without being ratted out by those puny birds. But he was stuck reading them, not that he cared about her studying his current state of mental wellbeing and how he's being affected by vampirism, he just loved.. seeing her manifest this childlike beauty even through paper.
He examined which paper he left it at, and there was a sketch of a vampire skull, basically just human skull but with slightly longer and sharper canine teeth, and the brain which she seemed to label. At the bottom of the page there was written "this brain looks like a turtle" in a tidier handwritting and a small sketch of a turtle that sort of looked alike. Her handwritting was so incredibly illegible, you can barely understand anything, but she seemed to be really good at drawing when you notice the sketches. But Sally always complained about not being able to concentrate, and that she thinks it's not neat to keep all of these silly inscriptions on every single page.
But if she wished to be an artist she'd have an amazing start.

Wilbur wondered how does she feel during this time, are these lettes even a fraction of enough contact compared to physical contact? For him it wasn't, just like any other vampire he's wondered for himself if it's the taste of his lover's blood that was keeping him bound to her, but it wasn't. Around Sally he was in his most calmest state, he could taste it without going insane over it, it felt so great being reassured your one and only was truly your one, and it wasn't a ruse or a lie.

His gaze softened as he turned the pages, and kept turning them until the most recent ones. The handwriting got a bit more easier to read, but what was this about?

"I beli[  ]e he might've i[  ]erited th[  ] trait, but he d[ ]es not kn[  ] anyth[   ] a[ ]out his [    ]ical p[   ]nts,"
(the spaces indicate the letters that are illegible, if you can't figure it out then idk)

He squinted his eyes a bit, once understanding most of it the brunette glanced back out the window. He seemed to get suddenly agitated when noticing Dream waving to Techno before walking away to the gate, and biting into a ripe chorus fruit which teleported him past the side.

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