Chapter 1

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The scene starts off with Y/N waking up in his cell as his vision was blurred and he was dizzy. Until someone splashes water on his face.

Y/N: AGGH! W-what the fuck??!!

He looks around as he sees the general, Reiko, and multiple guards beside them.

Reiko: Wakey wakey murderer.

Y/N: W-what?!!!

Y/N moves his hands until his hands stopped from a sudden force holding his hands back. He noticed he was chained to the ground as he tried pulling harder but it was to no avail.

General Shao: I wouldn't try breaking out of those chains if I were you. They are metal coated meaning no matter how hard you try, the pain will get worse.

Y/N: You fucking bastards! Let me out of these chains!!

Reiko: Now why would we let a murderer out???? I'm sure the empress wouldn't be pleased with that right General?

General Shao: Indeed Reiko. I'm sure you'll understand but it's for a good cause, the realms need people like us to maintain order.

Y/N: People like us??!! The hell you even talking about?!!

General Shao and the others laugh.

Y/N: What is so damn funny?!

General Shao: Fool. We are only using your mother for the throne. We're not her partners.

Reiko: It's not like you would understand, after all we're doing this only for the greater good. I'm sure you'll understand overtime but for now you'll be left here in your cell until your "execution"

Y/N: Y-your using my mother???!!! For the throne?!! SERIOUSLY?!!!

General Shao: Yes it's very tragic but also a good plan to depose the empress. Because tomorrow you'll be executed but don't worry, it's for a good cause. Outworld needs good leaders and lords to control the realms. Unlike your mother and her daughters this was nothing personal but I know you understand why we did this to you. He said as he moved his face closer to Y/N. Any last words before your execution tomorrow Y/N?

He then spat blood in his face as he glared at him.

Y/N: When I get out of here......I'll hunt you all down. Cut you limb by limb. And feed you where the rats won't mourn your bodies!

He glared at him once more as the General wiped his face.

General Shao: If you say so murderer.

They all leave his cell as they lock it.


Y/N just sits back down as he had tears in his eyes. He cries as he just sits there thinking if he had made it on time to save his father.

7 hours later

(3rd POV)
Y/N was in his cell as he was looking down with his eyes closed as a cellar door opened. Footsteps can be heard as a guard was walking towards Y/N's cell. The guard arrives at his cell door as he takes a key out and starts unlocking it. The cell door opens as the guard steps inside.

Guard: Get up. It's almost time for your execution

Y/N just sits there while still looking down before he speaks.

Y/N: So this is it huh..............

The guard just sighs.

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