who chooses a supsension over a detention?

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After what Mondo did was reported to the principal, he was given a five-day detention. He was supposed to attend classes per usual, and simply report to class 1B for detention afterwards for an hour. But Mondo was treating it like a suspension instead; he didn't attend class at all, stayed in his dorm room, and only left for food after school hours. Even then, he wouldn't leave his room until close to curfew so he wouldn't have to see anyone.

The fourth day of his "suspension", he was supposed to be in Mrs. Kondo's class. Kiyotaka would patrol the halls and peek into each classroom, greeting each teacher. When he got to class 1A, he looked inside, only his eyes crossing the threshold. Everything seemed the way it should be. Mrs. Kondo, a thin woman with long hair tied into a ponytail, was teaching in front of the room, and some of the students seemed to be paying attention. His eyes scanned over Togami, who seemed more interested in nursing his broken nose than listening to the lesson.

He then looked towards the back of the room, and his eyes fell on an empty seat. Kiyotaka tilted his head, pulled himself up amd away from the door, and began to slowly walk down the hall.

He was just fine that day. Maybe he got sick? He was yelling a lot, so maybe his throat is sore. I guess it's better this way. Togami is still attending class, after all. He might need some time away from Owada too.

Kiyotaka stopped in the middle of the hall. He tried to take another step, but he couldn't help but look back towards the dorms.

Did he leave campus? Or maybe he's still in his dorm room?

He glanced down at the halls he still had left to walk down, and then back towards the dorms.

It'll only take a minute. And I can clean the trophy cases later to make up for it.

Kiyotaka sighed. He put one foot in front of the other, and dragged himself through the hallway. He refused to look back in the direction of the dorms.

The clock in his room struck four. Only death was quieter than his room, strewn with empty cups of instant ramen, half-full bottles of malt and polaroid pictures all over the floor and the bed. What was left of the eyeliner from four days ago melted off his face and pooled on his wet pillowcase underneath his eyes. The gel in his hair hardened, and his once proud pompadour was now rock-solid with neglect. He placed a hand on the polaroid picture under his cheek, pulling it out and looking at it with eyes that were welling for the fourth time that day with tears.

The truth was that his big brother wasn't fond of pictures. He hated the fake smiling and posing for photos because it seemed so unnatural to him. He always looked awkward, he said, his smile a little crooked and his face asymmetrical and his every flaw magnified and scrutinized. This photo was one that Mondo sneak-snapped himself while Daiya was in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. He was wiping the water off his chin, and flicking his hair out of his face. He had just come out of the shower, and it was freshly washed with none of the usual gel or mousse. His reflection was god-like in Mondo's eyes, void of any of the flaws Daiya thought were written all over him.

Before he could break down again, there was a firm knock at his door. Mondo immediately got up, wiping his face and hiding the pictures under the cover of his bed. He walked over to the door, wiping his eyes and coughing to hide his wavering voice.

"Who is it? Fuck."

The voice that answered was light and delicate. "Kirumi Tojo. Class 3A."

Now Mondo was really confused. He opened his door slightly, and saw the girl at his door donning her black apron. He lowered his eyes so she couldn't tell he was crying.

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