forget working out, these two have themselves to work out

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"Fuck, man. I wanna be ripped like you!"

"Nah, I'm tryna get like Ogami."

"Ogami's got more discipline than me. She's just built different."

At the persistent urging of Chihiro, Mondo decided to join up with a group of boys who regularly went to the gym together after school. Mondo usually worked out with his gang after school, but he was sure they'd understand if he skipped a day. At least, that's what Chihiro said. When Mondo asked Leon if he could join them for the day, he seemed pleased.

"Hell yeah, dude! I've been thinking about asking, but you always dip after school. I figured you were busy."

Mondo felt a warm tug at his chest, but he wouldn't admit that being included felt nice. Those kinds of feelings weren't for people like him, after all.

"Who else is gonna be there? Can't just be your scrawny ass."

"Shut the fuck up," Leon laughed. "You, me, Nidai from 2A, Momota from 3A, Gokuhara too"--

"The bug guy?"

"The bug guy. You should see him with his shirt off."

"I don't really have to. I can see the fuckin' buttons on his shirt ready to pop. He needs to ask Tojo to sew him a new one."

Leon buckled down in laughter, and Mondo smiled too -- no, not at his remark at the bug guy, but at his ability to give someone joy. He's not supposed to feel like this, damnit. He's a fuckin' man. He's supposed to be stoic, unfazed.

"So, uh, what time? And where do I meet you guys?"

"Just stop at my dorm when you're ready."


And when the last bell rang, Mondo made his way to the redhead's dorm. But he was also followed by a certain latte-colored head of hair in a green jacket and brown skirt. Chihiro knew about this little group all along; she was there when Leon had the idea to start a workout group. It wasn't that he wasn't physically fit -- he was the baseball team captain, after all -- he was just still very thin in shape. When Leon wasn't joking around, making music or checking out girls, he was lamenting his skinny frame and lack of muscles compared to his classmates.

And she was following them down to the gym again, to watch them work out. This had become part of her routine. If she couldn't muster up the courage to work out with the boys, watching them was the next best thing.

This time, there was a newcomer no one saw coming. When Mondo and the rest entered the school gym, someone was already there, lifting weights. His bare, heavily muscled chest and back were already glistening with sweat, and his sneakers gripped the silicone mat he was standing on. There were about 80 pounds on each side of the bar he was lifting, but the ease with which he lifted suggested this was a mere warm-up.


The young man dropped the bar and turned towards the group. The tall, tanned one in blue sweats let out a hearty laugh.

"So! The hall monitor's got some strength! This is a wonderful revelation!"

Kiyotaka smiled sheepishly. "It seems you've caught me."

Mondo was radio silent. He simply averted his eyes, already heading towards a machine.

The kid in the purple jacket was just as pleased. "You should join us! We work out every day after school."

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Say no. Please fuckin' say no.

It was Kiyotaka's turn to be silent. He lowered his eyes, and shifted in place a bit. Mondo watched him with a keen eye.

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