lack of communication is the reason why half of this book exists

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Kiyotaka woke up in a panic. He didn't want to admit to himself the reason why, but he definitely fumbled with the buttons on his uniform and the hall monitor band on his right sleeve more than usual. He knew exactly where he was headed in such a rush -- and it wasn't to get a jump start on homework or breakfast.

He closed and locked his dorm room door behind him, shoving the key in his pocket. He ran down the hallway lined with doors to the dorms, looking through to find the little pixellated version of Mondo that was stuck on his nameplate. One of the students from class 2A made 8-bit stickers for each nameplate on every student's door. At first Kiyotaka thought it to be unnecessary, but she argued that it would raise school morale. Principal Kirigiri allowed her to do it upon hearing her reasoning, at Kiyotaka's silent dismay. But it was coming in handy now, considering all he had to do was look at the stickers instead of reading every name.

When he finally found Mondo's sticker, he raced to knock on his door, but before his hand could connect to it, it opened from the inside.

Kiyotaka stared at the young man in front of him, mouth slightly agape. The biggest change was Mondo's hair; instead of the grandiose pompadour he normally sported, he slicked it back into a bun at the top of his head, the darker colored hair still falling down his neck. The simple black crew-necked t-shirt he wore with his usual sweats sleekly defined his body. He didn't do much, except with his hair, but it seemed like Mondo had been transformed into a whole new person.

They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Mondo was first to break the gaze, looking down at his white loafers.


"Good morning, Owada," Kiyotaka choked out, watching Mondo as he shut and locked his door. "A-Are you headed to class?"

Mondo refused to return his gaze. "I was just gonna grab some food first. It's kinda early to hit the books."

"Do you mind if I walk with you?"

"Yes, I do."

Kiyotaka opened his mouth, and closed it again. "Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. It seems Tojo did well, so I'll take my leave."

Kiyotaka did not get a chance to turn on his heel and leave.

"Whaddaya mean 'Tojo did well'? How do you know she came to see me?"

"I sent her to your room, Owada."

Mondo was taken aback. "You? I thought she was sent by the principal or some shit. Why would you send her?"

"Okay, first of all, language! And second of all, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Why the hell do you even try, man? You're always on my ass about language and I clearly don't give a shit! Second of all, since when did you give a fuck about my wellbeing?"

Kiyotaka stood upright, his chest puffed proudly. "Because a man's words are his honor! Cursing does not fit the caliber of a Hope's Peak Academy student! And to answer your last question, you've been holed up in your dorm for the past five days! If I hadn't send Tojo in to check on you, who knows what might have come over you?"

Mondo stepped forward, his face nearing Kiyotaka's. "And who's fault is that?"

"I gave you detention for a week! Not a suspension! You put that on yourself!"

"You just wanna feel so fuckin' good about yourself huh? You were so high and mighty and perfect that you only gave me detention and sent people to come check in on me. What a fuckin' fraud."

"F-Fraud?!" Now it was Kiyotaka's turn to get in Mondo's personal space. "You're the fraud! All you do is ride bikes and destroy things and scare good people!"

"And all you do is walk around giving orders and punishing people for tiny little shit that doesn't fucking matter!"

"What's going on, guys?"

The arguing students suddenly turned towards their classmate. The ash blonde hair spiking down her confused face was still a little wet, but her brown skirt and green jacket were pristinely ironed out.

"We're having a conversation, Fujisaki. Nothing's going on." Kiyotaka's voice was a lot softer this time.

"Yeah, Chihiro. We're fine," Mondo tuned, in agreeance with Kiyotaka for the first time that morning.

"O-Okay then. I'm going to get some breakfast. Did you guys want to join me?"

"I'll join ya," Mondo said, shrugging and walking over to where Chihiro was standing

"I have to make my rounds, but I can join you for lunch," Kiyotaka said, composing himself once again. "I'll see you later, Fujisaki."

"Bye, Ishimaru!" she said, cheerfully walking with Mondo towards the cafeteria.

Mondo couldn't help but think about what Kiyotaka had said. What the hell is wrong with him? It's not like I fuckin' go around makin' people scared of me. If people don't mess with me, I don't mess with them. It's that simple. Ain't nothin' wrong with ridin' my bike in town at night. Ain't nothin' wrong with my gang or with my friends. He's just fuckin' stupid...but I guess it was nice of him to send Kirumi to help me out. I did get better because of him, so I can't say he's all the way fucked up...

And Kiyotaka was doing the same. Who does he think he is calling me a fraud? He hides behind that gang and probably commits all sorts of crimes with them. How he's able to even be at this school is beyond me. At least I try to keep the school body in check by enforcing the rules! I only want what's best for people. I mean, then again, I can't really say I don't understand his feelings...he probably loved his older brother a lot to risk suspension for him...

They sighed, unsure of what to make of the other's words. Maybe they were right about each other. But maybe they didn't have to be.

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