Troublesome Brats

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In Tenki Island, where the weather changes just as drastically as the grand line weather, a woman, in her mid-20s, finds two baby twins. One male and one female. Maybe out of pity or out of care, she takes the two new borns and raises them as her own...

~ 4 years later ~

(3rd Person POV)

"Okay, kids, what did mommy tell you two?"

"Don't talk to strangers..." The twins said in unison.

An irk mark was visible on the mother's head.

"And what did you two DO when you met those shady marines at the dock earlier?" The woman fake smiled

"We talked to them!" The two children said happily without a care in the world

The woman sighed. "You two have to listen to mommy when she tells you not to talk to those shady maries at the docks anymore!" She sternly lectured the kids

"But mommy!! They wanted to give us treats for how cute we are!" The two kids held their chubby cheeks to show their mother just how adorable they were.

She patted her children on their heads. "I know how cute you two are! You are MY kids after all!" She laughed all heartedly after her statement as the kids laughed with her.

The woman then went to the kitchen to get some bento boxes and put it in two bags for the children. "Okay, kids, this should be good for the day. So you two better not take any more sweets from those marines. You hear me, you two?"

The two adorable children then smile and nod at their loving mother. "Your packed lunches are WAAAAYYY better than any snack the smoking marine gave us!" The little girl said

"Ugh, the white-haired smoking man? You two really shouldn't be around that guy. You might get lung cancer from secondhand smoking with how much cigars that man has in his mouth." She scoffed at the thought

"But mommy, he looks so cool!! Especially with his cool glasses and jacket! He can beat all the bad guys for sure!" The boy says excitedly as he imaginary punches the so-called 'bad guys'.

Y/n laughs a bit, seeing her two kids be so loving to anyone they meet. But one of these days, she just KNOWS that these two trouble makers would cause a big mix-up with the WRONG people.

She then kissed the two kiddos on their forhead before their own little adventure around town.

(The Twins POV)

When mommy let us go out, we would usually use our cuteness to get some snacks along the way in town before eating our bento near the dock. We loved to see the cool looking ships that passed by, and some of the navy were nice enough to play games with us when we got bored.

"D/nnnn, you're running off againnnn. You know you get waaaay too excited whenever there's new people at the docks." The little boy complained to his sister

"Well, hurry it up, then slow poke!! I wanna see if we can take a peek at some real pirates!" She excitedly exclaimed

The little boy sweat dropped at the thought of some evil looking pitates who could steal their blood or take their lunch. The usual thing a 4 year old would think.

"D/n, why would you want to see pirates when we can just hang around the navy?" The boy tried to coarse his sister.

"Remember what mommy said? No more maries! Soo~ pirates are still a green light!" The girl said as she smiled from ear to ear with her eyes closing.

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