Tiny Red Dress

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(AN: Image above is what Y/n will be wearing on the date 😉 but of course, if you don't like it, you can think of your own tiny red dress.)

(Y/n POV)

On my way home I was stunned the Red Haired Shanks was the one who asked me to go to dinner with him! such an infamous pirate was of course chased often by younger and more beautiful women. I wouldn't put it against the man if he knows his way around these types of things like being bold and asking women to go on spontaneous dinners with him.

When I got home, a mix of nerves and curiosity bubbled within me. The unexpected invitation from such a renowned pirate a woman's man was both thrilling and daunting. I found myself contemplating what to wear and how to approach the evening, wanting to balance caution with openness but still looking my best.

Hours passed, and evening descended. I took extra care in getting ready, opting for an outfit that exuded casual elegance. I wanted to make a statement without appearing overly eager. As I checked her appearance in the mirror one last time, there was a knock on the door to my room.

"Mommy? What are you doinggg?" D/n called out at the opposite side of the door.

"Mommy's getting ready Dear, Mr. Shanks wants to give Mommy an apology so she has to make herself presentable to your pirate friend," I said as I fixed the dress more and checked my light makeup.

"OUUUUU! Mommy can I see?!" my little one screamed

"Sure honey," I said as I opened the door separating me from my daughter. "Well, D/n? How does mommy look?"

"BEAUTIFUL! Like always mommy!" D/n exclaimed

Just as D/n was complimenting me I saw at the corner of my eye S/n mouth agape "S/n? what's wrong sweetheart? why are you making that face?"


I bursted out laughing clutching my stomach "No honey. I just wanted to look nice for your pirate friend." I explained

"Who? Mr Shanks?" S/n said, I nodded and I could see him make a thinking face and then he abruptly smacked his fist to the palm of his hand "You're gonna make kissy with Mr Shanks? That's why you look so nice, right Mommy?"

My eyes grew wide as I approached my lovely yet big-mouthed boy. "Now, now you're getting too hasty there honey. Mr Shanks and I are just going to go eat. That's all."

S/n made a confused face tilting his little head. "If you're just gonna eat then why dress pretty?" I sighed and glanced at the clock noticing the time I brushed off my son's question and said "Mommy will explain later after I meet with Mr Shanks okay kids?" I kissed the top of my kid's heads goodbye as I talked to their babysitter about how they weren't allowed any cookies or any sweets in that fact and waved goodbye as I walked to the docks.

(3rd person POV)

~ After Shanks talked to Y/n ~

As Shanks made his way back to his temporary residence, he couldn't contain his excitement. The chance to spend more time with Y/n intrigued him. Her spirited nature and the way she handled her kids resonated with him, reminding him of the comradery he shared with his crew and the utter chaos Uta and Luffy caused them when they were around.

Shanks smiled to himself as he thought back to the good old days with his pair of brats, as he went outside and gathered flowers off a garden nearby plucking the most beautiful ones for a beautiful woman he was about to meet.

Shanks headed back to the ship thinking she would inevitably go there because she didn't know where he was staying.

In front of his ship he saw Y/n hands clasped behind her back, looking up to see if anyone was on the ship. Shanks chuckled a little bit as he cleared his throat so she could notice he was behind her.

Mommy? Huh.. (Shanks × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now