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(Y/n) POV:

I felt my skin burning, I felt myself start to run out of breath, every part of me was screaming in pain, begging me to stop, but I knew if I listened, I would only be more dead then I am now, that's when I saw it, the boat to safety, I ran faster and faster, hoping on to the boat and getting it out to sea... then I opened my eyes, and everything was back as it was.  I shot up in a panic, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down my body "Hey, (Y/n), you awake?" I heard a voice call out from outside my tent "Yea yea... just give me a minute Sokka," I responded, rubbing my eyes and head while panting.

I slowly took the covers off of me "We'll be waiting in the boat, follow along when you're ready," he said as I heard his foot steps carry him away 'The same nightmare... just like always,' I got up and put on my shirt, grabbing my coat and putting it on while stepping outside and breathing in the fresh air.  I looked around and was greeted by the others as I walked towards the boat where Sokka and Katara were waiting "Hey, you alright? you look a little pale," Katara pointed out "Yea just... had a bad dream..." I admitted while getting on the boat "...The same one as always?" Katara asked as I nodded my head in response.

She simply sighed and patted my back "You'll get over them eventually, I'm sure of it," she assured "Thanks... but enough of all this touchy feely emotions, what we doing today?" I asked, quickly changing the subject "We're going fishing, we were running low," Sokka explained, loading up the gear and holding his spear. He got on the boat and sat down before getting ready to push the boat off the land "You got everything (Y/n)?" he asked, making me nod in response "Everything," I opened my jacket, revealing my row of knives "And you signature one?" he asked as I pulled it out and showed it to him "Good, then we're ready to go," he said before pushing the boat away from land.

I grabbed the paddle and started rowing the boat, sending us into the ice with Sokka up front, me paddling in the middle, and Katara in the back watching for any fish that may be nearby "You know (Y/n), you don't have to force yourself to come along," Katara assured "Someone's gotta make sure Sokka doesn't flip the boat... and that you don't go overboard," I chuckled.

~Small Time Skip~

We were far on out into the ice, carefully steering as Sokka raised his spear to catch a fish that we've been following for a while "It's not getting away from me this time," Sokka said "Just like you said the last dozen times..." I said, watching him as before he shushed me "Watch and learn, (Y/n), and Katara, this is how you catch a fish," he said as I looked over to Katara who was doing her own thing. She looked disinterested as a fished passed by "...Go for it," I assured, as she took off her glove and concentrated on the water before starting to move it, capturing the fish in a water bubble "Sokka, (Y/n)! Look!" she said happily.

I smiled and got my knife ready "I see it," I responded "Shh! both of you, you're gonna scare it away," Sokka said, completely ignoring the progress Katara was making "Mmm, I can already smell it cooking," he added, readying his spear "But, Sokka, I caught one!" she said, aiming it over him "Just keep it there," I readied my knife. I got ready to swing until Sokka suddenly raised his spear, popping the bubble and causing the fish to escape while also dozing him with water "Hey!" Katara yelled "Almost had it..." I put my knife back down and placed it in its sheath while settling back in my seat.

Sokka put his spear down off and looked at us "Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" he asked "It's not magic, it's waterbending, and it's-," "Yeah, yeah, and ancient art unique to our culture, blah, blah, blah..." Sokka interrupted "Honestly its kinda hard to forget Katara," I added to the argument "Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself," Sokka said.  I looked over to him in disbelief "You and me both know we'd kill just to have a sliver of that kind of power," I argued at him, making him scoff "You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water," Katara countered.

Avatar: Enemy's of the same Blood//Ty Lee x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now