Chapter II "Old Greetings"

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(Y/n) POV:

We were all at the front of the village as Aang and Katara walked towards us, the children ran towards Aang, clearly happy to see him again, but the adults, me and Sokka were a different story "I knew it! You signaled the fire naive with that flare!" Sokka stepped forward "Sokka-," I tried to speak reason to him, but he simply ignored me "You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" he asked. I grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him back a little ""I'm sure it wasn't on purpose..." I stepped into the argument "(Y/n)'s right! Aang didn't do anything, It was an accident," Katara explained "Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and, well, we... we boobied right into it," Aang spoke.

I gave a small little face palm as I heard Gran Gran speak up "Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship, now we could all be in danger," "Don't blame Katara, I brought her there... it's my fault," as soon as I heard those words leave Aang's mouth, I gave a small sigh of disappointment "A-HA! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village!" Sokka declared.  The children walked back towards us, and despite how I felt about Sokka's decision, I didn't speak up "Sokka, You're making a mistake!" Katara spoke out "No, I'm keeping my promise to dad, I'm protecting you and (Y/n) from threats like him," Sokka argued back "Aang is not our enemy!" she yelled out "Katara-," "(Y/n)!" she cut me off.

I could tell she wanted me to support her, she wanted me to join her side in defending Aang "...Come on! You're the voice of reason, so explain to them that Aang isn't a threat!" she tried convincing as I looked over to Aang and saw an almost pleading face "...Katara... I almost never do this, but I agree with Sokka," I said, shocking Katara as well as everyone around me.  "But (Y/n)-," "The fire nation... they're on the look out for an Airbender," I explained while cutting her off "How do you-," "Because that's the reason they burnt my home to the ground," I answered her question before she could finish "And I'm not gonna let the children of the people who saved me die," I explained.

Katara was obviously stunned by my mini speech, but still attempted to reason "Don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time... Fun," "Fun? We can't fight Firebenders with fun!" Sokka responded "You should try it sometime," Aang chimed in, but Sokka was already mad enough "Get out of our village now!" he demanded.  Despite Sokka's order, Katara was determined "Grandmother please, (Y/n), Don't let Sokka do this," she pleaded "Katara, You knew going on that ship was forbidden, Sokka is right," Gran Gran shared her own opinion "I think it best if the Airbender leaves," she added.

Katara was now angered and yelled "Fine, Then I'm banished, too!" she then grabbed Aang's arm and started walking away "Katara!" I yelled out "Where do you think you're going?!" Sokka asked "To find a Waterbender, Aang is taking me to the north pole!" she explained while walking towards the Bison "Katara! would you really choose him, over your own tribe? Your own family?" Sokka asked, finally making Katara stop walking.  I then walked forwards a bit, standing at the front of the crowd while Katara still had her backed turned "Katara... we may not be related by blood, far from it... but I don't wanna lose my Sister," I spoke, as Aang then walked up to Katara, saying something to her and mounting his Bison, making it clear he was leaving "It was nice meeting everyone!" he waved off.

"Let's see your bison fly now, Airboy," Sokka said and received a slap on the back of the head from me "Come on, Appa, you can do it! Yip-Yip!" he said as the Bison merely only stood us "Yeah! I thought so!" Sokka yelled out "So help me Roku, I will slap you Sokka," I warned as a little girl then ran towards the Bison while crying "Aang, don't go, I'll miss you," she said.  I felt bad for such a decision to take place, but knew that it was the only way to ensure the villages safety, and with Aang saying his final I'll miss you towards us, his Bison started walking away, leaving us behind as the girl walked back and Gran Gran headed to talk to Katara.

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