Chapter III "Charred Past"

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Katara POV:

The fire nation ship had already left, leaving the village to rebuild itself after it was destroyed when the ice broke, yet there I stood, looking into the ocean where the ship had been seen heading "...We have to go after that ship, Sokka, Aang saved our tribe and (Y/n) needs out help" I attempted to reason.  "Katara I-," "Why can't you realize that Aang's on our side?" I cut Sokka off "If we don't help him, no one will, and I wanna know what (Y/n) meant by 'brother' when talking to that guy..." I explained "I know you don't like Aang, and dislike the possibility of (Y/n) being a Firebender, but we own them and-," "Katara!" Sokka cut me off and I looked over my shoulder to face him.

"Are you going to talk all day or are you coming with me?" he asked while signaling to a boat that was packed with supplies making me gasp and smile in happiness "Sokka!" I said happily while running and hugging him "Get in, we're going to save our brother and your boyfriend," "He's not my-," "Whatever," Sokka cut me off while shrugging.  "What do you two think you're doing?" We heard Gran Gran's voice from behind us and we turned around to face her with awkward smiles "...You'll need these," she said before handing us a few sleeping bags "You have a long journey ahead of you," she said, leaving us both in surprise at her helping us.

"It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little Waterbender," she said to me while giving me a hug and making me smile "And you, my brave warrior," she said while looking over to Sokka "Be nice to your Sister... and brother when you find him," she said while giving Sokka a hug "Yeah, ok, Gran," he replied while hugging back.  "Aang is the Avatar, he's the world's only chance, you both found him for a reason, now your destinies are intertwined with his," Gran told us as I then looked at our boat "There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe," I realized before we then heard grumbling and looked over to see Appa, Aang's bison.

The idea then popped into my head "Appa!" I yelled happily while running towards him "You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?" I heard Sokka asked as we moved our supplies onto Appa's saddle and climbed onto him before starting our journey to rescue the Avatar, and our Brother.

(Y/n) POV:

We were brought onto the top deck where I smiled at seeing a familiar face "Uncle!" I said happily as Iroh gave me a gentle hug "My Nephew, is it really you?" he asked with surprise "After years... it is," I nodded, although unable to hug back due to my hands being bound and being forced to stand in front of Zuko who held Aang's staff.  "This staff will make an excellent gift for my father, I suppose you wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks," Zuko said while glaring at Aang "Take the Avatar to the prison hold, and take this to my quarters," Zuko ordered while handing Aang's staff to Iroh and the guards took Aang away.

"Hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?" Iroh said while walking away "Sir! What do we do with him," the guard holding me asked as Iroh lightly smiled "Untie him and bring him to a nice room, he's family," he said as the guard obeyed and untied me "Thanks Uncle!" I yelled out to him while stretching my arms and Iroh simply gave a small wave and left.  The guard then held my shoulder and led me below deck towards a hall way and through passages with several rooms to my sides "...So uh... is the pay any good?" I asked awkwardly, but he remained silent "Not a talker, huh?" I asked again, receiving silence again.

Just as I was about to speak again, I heard a large gust of wind and two loud bangs, and I immediately recognized what was going on "Whelp, prison break it is," I said before reverse elbowing the guard in the gut and quickly grabbing his arm and head before slamming him into a wall, knocking him out "Sorry buddy, You were in the way," I shrugged and quickly ran back up deck.  Just when I got on top deck, I saw a guard yell to the helmsmen "The Avatar has escaped!" he yelled before noticing me "Hey! you should be in your quarters!" he yelled at me "...I got lost?" I smiled awkwardly before the guard I knocked out came out from behind me "He's is helping the Avatar!" he yelled.

Avatar: Enemy's of the same Blood//Ty Lee x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now