Special Request: Watch Out For The Guy You Like!

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Inside Y/n's room, he's just waking up from a night of restless sleep.

Y/n: "Up this early with no sleep. If this were back in the day, I would be going to Suguru's room and..."

Y/n ponders his thoughts and decides to ignore them.

Y/n: "My eyes are still puffy. I think it's time for a change from these glasses."

He then decides to put away his glasses and have bandages wrapped around his eyes.

He then decides to put away his glasses and have bandages wrapped around his eyes

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Y/n: "Time for me to head out."

A shop in Magnolia

Juvia approaches a mysterious shop with the sign Mag-Drug.

Juvia approaches a mysterious shop with the sign Mag-Drug

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Juiva: "Drip drip drop."

Juvia enters the shop, takes a seat and notices a old man wearing a green wizard hat with yellow goggles perched on it...

Juvia enters the shop, takes a seat and notices a old man wearing a green wizard hat with yellow goggles perched on it

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Shopkeeper: "Oh, say you are looking for something that will make him notice you. My concoctions can be tailored to meet such needs."
Juvia: "Please, sir, if he will look at me with passionate eyes. Even that would be enough."
Shopkeeper: "Well, I have something that might just do the trick."

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