chapter 8 : home

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Nights have passed, along with missions that weren't as heavy nor intense as his first. Every now and then, the nagging at the very back of his mind keeps coming back to remind him of the free trip back home that Nightmare basically gave him. He was still pondering about going back.

Today though, as he stared at the bed post ceiling of what had been his new room for the past few weeks, he decided it was the time to respond to that offer. He pushed himself up the comfortable mattress of his bed, staring the room down with an almost dead look in his lone eye. How could he not be exhausted when another fight broke out between Killer and Dust? A long sigh drew out of his mouth.

No sooner, he found himself grabbing his new jacket (that unlike his old one was worn out and bloodied) and later walked to the door. He halted after taking a few steps out the hallway, staring at the darkness that it possessed. The shadows consumed both sides, the torches doing little to light it up. Well, it was deep in the night after all. He guessed that the magic within the manor rested at this hour.

His footsteps were what broke the quiet. The large and hollow hallway only echoed the constant noise of every step he took. Though, it would stop every now and then to give the silence back its reign whenever Horror started observing more of the wilted flowers and strange paintings. The walk lasted for at least ten minutes before he finally arrived at the library, or rather, Nightmare's office.

He brought his hand up the door, knocking on it three times before the spaces in its carvings slightly shined a little. If he had blinked, he would've missed it.

Not a second after that, the door opened. Nightmare was holding a steaming cup of coffee, dressed extravagantly with a dark silk robe that reached the floor.

"What is it?" Nightmare grumbled, seeming like he'd just been pulled out of a deep, good sleep. Horror looked at him for a moment before mumbling.

"Ummm... I made... a decision." Horror struggled to find words as Nightmare's lone gaze pierced him. The boss observed him as he lowered his head. He looked and sounded as if he was a child that was asking for the parent's permission to sleep with them because of a nightmare.

How ironic.

"At this time of the night?" Nightmare questioned, his tone edging towards being aggressive. He sounded almost as if he wanted to shut the door on him, but he sighed.

"Alright." His hand let go of the door handle, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I assume you want to go home now?"

Horror pondered for a moment before nodding in hesitation.

"Ugh, let's just get this over with." Horror didn't need a command for him to follow Nightmare inside the spacious room. He stepped in wearily as Nightmare walked to his table to set his mug down.

The library was nothing but dim and quiet, only being lit up when Nightmare snapped his fingers to give life to the chandelier candles up above. Simultaneously, four tentacles grew from his back before he turned to face Horror that was quite literally, staring at him with a hint of horror in his eye.

"Ready?" There was a beat before Horror nodded, prompting Nightmare to continue. In a blink of an eye, the tentacles slithered towards the other. It was hard to fight against his instinct to defend, a brief flashback to his first encounter with Nightmare distracting him from his internal war. No sooner than later, there was the slimy feeling of something wrapped his wrists, and his whole world went black.




"Sans...? SANS! THERE YOU ARE!" A familiar voice shook him out of his slumber. A grunt escapes his mouth before the sight of what was before him activated every single memory he's had for the past few weeks.

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