Part 1: Billy Taupe

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It was ten after 7:00, and Billy still had yet to show. It was odd for my singing partner not to attend our show. It is the day before the reaping, meaning extra business from visiting peacekeepers. Anxious enough, this place was swimming with guests hungry for a show.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I ask Maude to cover for me and hurry to Billy's sleeping quarters. I knocked a few times before deciding I was in a severe time crunch. Slamming the door open, I see Billy on top of another girl with a familiar face. They both look up with faces of guilt. My Billy is not with the mayor's daughter, Mayfair Lipp.

I stand frozen in disbelief. "What the hell is going on here?" I question with denial. My lips start quivering with both anger and disappointment. "I... It's not what it is–"but the door slams before Billy can finish his sentence. I do not need an explanation because I know he has none.

As I walk back to the Hob, my mind is racing with thoughts and questions. I stumble actively while I try to get myself back into the building.

As I stepped up on the stage, suddenly, the crowd felt too loud, the lights too bright. My hand shakes as I pick the guitar up, but I cannot bring myself to strum anything. I need to remember why I am even here. Why am I here? I can't even collect my thoughts correctly before my hands drop to my sides, my guitar colliding with the ground.

Someone touches my shoulder, but none of this feels real. I can feel a lump forming in my throat as tears build in my eyes, distorting my vision.

The hand at my shoulder begins pulling me away, and suddenly I find myself backstage.

Maude is looking at me with concern. "Y/n, are you–" she's cut off by another voice calling my name.

I turn to find Mayfair standing in the doorway, her face bringing back a flood of emotion. I feel the tears rising again, but I won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

She walks up to me until we're mere inches apart, and I swear I can still smell Billy on her.

"You think this is news? You had this coming. Did you ever notice how Billy looks at me at every given point?" she spits.

"I knew you were shallow, but I never would have thought you would stoop this low," I choke. This became too much, too quick.

I start running to my quarters, hoping this nightmare will end when I wake up.

I need to wake up.

a.n. - My writing partner and I will be rewriting the first few chapters because did not age well, so stay posed, and trust us that the story gets better!!

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