Part 1

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For some dumb reason, I had decided it would be fun to check out the creepy abandoned house down the road from my friend Linsey's house. At the time, it had seemed like a great idea. Everyone was always talking about how the house was haunted. The neighbourhood rumour was that the father had annihilated the last family to live in the house. But, of course, there was no proof of this. Linsey refused to go anywhere near the house and had chosen to stay home. I, however, convinced my friend Theresa to join me. Things had started out okay. Getting entry to the house was easy enough. We pulled out our phones, giggled, and recorded as we walked through a place frozen in time, joking about how this would make us Facebook famous. After we made our way to the second floor, things changed. The air upstairs was icy cold compared to the blistering heat outside. A large bang came from downstairs. Theresa noped out and took off from the house, to my best guess. Instead of following, I froze. I stood in the doorway to what looked to be a bedroom staring wide-eyed at the staircase, trying to gain the courage to run downstairs.

"Quick in here," said a voice breaking me from my trans. I ran towards the voice. I saw two guys, clearly brothers, hiding in the small closet in the room. I squeezed into the closet with them. I took a moment to look at them in the light of a flashlight. The one I guest to be the older one had short dark brown hair and a small amount of stubble. I guessed him to be around 6'1'; meanwhile, the one I took to be the younger brother had longer, fluffy light brown hair and was clean-shaven. He was quickly 6'4 pushing 6'5.

"What are you doing in here?" The shorter one asked

"I was exploring with my friend. We just heard the rumours about the place being haunted and wanted to check it out," I said, throwing my arms about as much as possible in the small space. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, exploring just like you," The tall one said, looking nervously between his brother and me

"Oh, that's a lie. What are your names?" I asked "I'm Dean, and this is my brother Sam," said the older one "I'm Y/n," I said. "Now, what are you really doing here?"

"Hunting a ghost", Dean blurted out

"Dean" Sam looked at him, frustrated

"What? She walked herself into this. She should know what's going on. We can't get her out of here safely otherwise" Dean pointed his open hand at me "Uh, hello right here. Would you care to explain" I huffed, putting my hands on my hips

Dean sighed, getting frustrated looks from Sam, and he explained everything. It sounded like the ramblings of a crazy man, or men in this case. Dean explained that people had been reporting getting attached and followed home. Even some people are killed by something in the house. This was nothing I had ever heard before. Truthfully I wasn't from the area and wouldn't have heard about the place if it wasn't for Linsey. We lived 5 neighbourhoods apart, so there was no reason for me to be anywhere near this house. Dean explained what they do and how they ended up in Sydney, Australia. I would have said he was lying and crazy, but he seemed honest. He truly believed everything he was saying. And it felt like I should give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Okay, so if everything you're saying is true, what do we do?" I asked

"You don't do anything. We need to figure out where the body is and burn it," Dean said

"The whole family who lived here last is buried in the local cemetery in a family tomb," I said

"Wait, how did you find that out?" Sam asked

"I googled it", I shrugged. "I just want to know if the rumours were true, so I googled."

"Rumours?" Dean asked

"That the father murdered his whole family," I said. "I couldn't find anything, but they all died in this house the same night."

"So there is a chance daddy dearest ganked them all," Dean said

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