Part 2

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It has been a year since I met the Winchesters. I tried so hard to get back to life as it was before the Winchesters but knowing there were things out there that could kill me at any moment made it difficult for me to concentrate on anything else. So, I decided to hit the road. I packed up my most important belongings into my car, dropped out of university and began looking for other hunters. It's not like the Winchesters left me a how-to guide on hunting monsters. I travelled around leaving messages for hunters everywhere I could think of monster books in libraries, on notice boards, online chat boards everywhere. It took 2 months, but I was finally contacted by a guy named Johnny. Johnny owned a roadhouse out near Broken Hill which was one of many hubs for hunters. Johnny gave me a list of known hunters' hubs, a list of tools I would need and a job to get me started. 'An easy find and burn' he said. He recommended I stick to jobs at the hubs for now and that I would slowly learn what to look for to find my own jobs. Which is how I got to the job I was working today.

I had driven through the night to get back to Sydney to the suburb of Blacktown where my story began. This was the first time I had been back since everything that happened with the boys. It was also a similar case that brought me back. A ghost was causing accidents at the local pool and had so far caused 11 deaths. Something needed to be done soon. The latest incident occurred the week before. A kid who was paraplegic had seemingly stood up from her wheelchair climbed up onto a diving board and drove headfirst onto the cement below. The ghost was ramping up putting the case at the top of my list. Before I got working on the case though I wanted to book into a hotel, have a hot shower, eat and sleep. I found a hotel close to the pool with vaccines and pulled in. I pulled up to the office and hopped out of my car. I walked in and managed to book a room quite quickly without much fuss. I walked back out to my car and drove over to my given room. As I parked a certain car caught my eye. Everything else was quickly forgotten as I ran to the room the car was parked in front of. I stopped to catch my breath before knocking on the door.

"Well, well look who we have here" Dean crossed his arms as he opened the door smirk on his face.

"Hay Dean" I smiled.

"Y/N is that you?" Sam asked.

"In the flesh," I said, "What brings you two back to town?"

"Working this case, a friend of ours called us after he got a call from a friend here, some ghost killing a bunch of people at a pool," Dean said.

"What a coincidence I'm working that case too, it's been on my radar for the last 3 months but it's really ramped up in the last month so I figured I should probably get my ass back here and take care of it".

"I thought I told you to stay away from all this" Dean suddenly got mad.

"I tried Dean, I really did I just couldn't shake it, I was second-guessing everything and everyone and I felt like I needed to do this to feel safe" I recoiled at his words.

"I told you there were other people like us doing this job so you could be safe, trust me this isn't the life you want".

"You packed up and went back to the States, you left me here where there are barely any hunters what do you expect me to do?" I snapped back.

"I expected you to listen to me" Dean yelled jabbing a finger to the ground.

I flinched away from Dean. Something he immediately noticed. I could tell from the look on his face that Dean regretted his actions. He tried reaching out to touch my arm, but I moved back away from him. He sighed and moved out of the doorway allowing me into the room. Sam motioned for me to come over to the sole table in the room where he was busy working away on his laptop. Dean on the other hand moved to sit on his bed on the opposite side of the room. Sam ran me through everything they had found so far. He told me about a friend of theirs named Bobby who had been contacted by a hunter here who was in over their heads on the case. It was something I had noticed too and had only served to motivate me more to become a hunter. I had found myself over the last year picking up the harder cases that other hunters struggled to complete. I had made contacts in all the hunters' roadhouses in Australia and had hardly had a day to myself since. I told Sam about Johnny a name he instantly recognised, apparently, he had been the one to call Bobby to request the boy's help after many other hunters had come up short.

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