Part 3

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I cried for who knowshow long while Dean held me in his arms. He had moved us over to siton his bed never once letting me go. When I finally got myselftogether long enough to move away from Dean all I could manage wastoo look at the ground in front of the bed.

"Never seen a deadbody before?" Sam asked

I nodded. I couldn'tbring myself to speak nor could I trust my voice to work. The roomfell into a comfortable silence. Dean stood up from the bed and beganmoving around the room. He retrieved his bag which he had discardedin a random corner and pulled out a Metallica shirt. He brought itback across to me. He handed It over saying I can borrow it for nowso I don't have to go out to my car to get my own clothes. Iaccepted the shirt and walked off into the bathroom to change. I hungmy swimmers over the towel rack and made my way back over to Deansbed. I looked over at the boys who nodded in acknowledgement. Icrawled into Deans bed and pulled the covers over me. I really wantto sleep and I figured if I laid down with my eyes closed long enoughI would sleep. But it seemed my brain had other ideas. As I wastrying to sleep the boys began talking.

"This has reallyshaken her Dean"

"I know Sammy Iwanted to keep her out of this life, we're suppose to save peoplenot drag them down into our kind of crazy"

"Come on man shechoose this for herself she had the opportunity to walk away but shechoose to take up this life there isn't much we can do about that"

"I want to make sureshe is somewhere I can keep an eye on her, I want her to be safe"

"You can't expecther to just pack up and leave Dean what has gotten into you manyou've never acted like this"

"She's...I don'tknow...she's different"

"Your in love"

"Dude don't even gothere"

The room fell silentand I drifted off. When I woke up it was dark out. The cheap alarmclock next to the bed read 4:30 am. I sat up and looked around theroom. Dean was asleep on the lounge and Sam was asleep in his bed. Ifelt too full of energy to sleep so I got up and tip toed across theroom to the table to take Sams laptop. I took his laptop back toDeans bed and looked through the stuff Sam and Dean had put togetherwhile I was asleep. It would seem they had gotten as far as I had. Iknew burying myself in the case wasn't the smartest thing to do butI needed to stop whatever this was from hurting anyone else. Butsince we had all arrived at this dead end means we needed to look atthis a different way. I closed Sams laptop and hopped off Deans bed.I snuck out to my car and grabbed a change of clothes. I slippedquietly into the bathroom, changed out of Deans shirt, retrieved Samslaptop off the bed and slipped quietly out of the hotel room. Ratherthan take my car and risk waking the boys I opted to walk to where Iwas going. Really I just wanted food and free wi-fi. There was onlyone place I knew where I was going to get both. McDonalds. I walkedthe 6 blocks to the nearest McDonalds, order more hash browns thenshould be legally allowed and took a seat in a back corner while Iwaited for them to be ready. I opened up Sam's Laptop and begangoing over all the information again. I pulled up the information onall the victims and the pool and began pouring over it again. My hashbrowns came and I ate them down while reading and rereading all theinformation presented to me. There was nothing standing out to me. 12Deaths now and seemingly no connections between them. All differentages, races, genders, religions. Not a single overlap and nothingthat stood out as reason why these people. I even removing deaths andcould reasonable be discounted like the first death or the boy whoapparently slipped down the stairs and the twins who drowned in thewave pool. Those 4 could easily be marked down as a freak accidentbut even with them removed from the equation two plus two stilldidn't equal four. It was frustrating. I groaned and sank back inthe highly uncomfortable plastic chair. I took a glance around thenow busy McDonalds. Confused and slightly tired I took a quick glanceat the time in displayed in the bottom right hand corner of thelaptop. 6:23pm. My eyes widened at the realisation that I hadbeen sitting in the same spot all day. I hurried packed up the laptopand went to retrieve my phone confused as to why Sam or Dean hadn'tbeen trying to call me all day. My hands rummaged through my pantspockets coming up empty. I dumped out my messenger bag that I tookeverywhere with me finding nothing. Shit. I mentally cursed. Iquickly shoved everything back into my bag before sprinting into theparking lot hoping I simply left it in the car. A quick glance,however, showed no signs of my car. Right I walked here. Igroaned, rubbed my hands over my face and began the walk back to thehotel. Dean was probably thinking that I had done something stupidand Sam probably thought I stole his laptop. I mean technically I didbut I was going to return it and I never intended to be gone all day.The walk back to the hotel seemed to take twice as long as the walkto McDonalds. But when the hotel finally came into sight I quickenedmy pace. I came to a quick stop, however, when I heard arguing in theroom.

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