Part 6

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"Dean, Dean" I could hear someone yelling at me, but my ears were ringing. I felt like I was coming out a thick fog. All I could remember was being in the Impala...Y/N's Impala with her...where was she?

"Dean, can you hear me?" The familiar voice called again.

"Y/N" I groaned out, but it wasn't her voice.

I heard a splash and felt water hit my face. I forced my eyes open and sat up. I was sitting by the edge of a pool. Things began rushing back. We'd been on a hunt; YN had been angry with me. I went to follow her into the pool then nothing. That thing had control...I was possessed. I was staring at the pool in front of me when two people appeared from the pool.

"Dean I need help" Castiel had appeared holding the limp body of Y/N.

"No, no, no" I panicked rushing to pull her from the pool. She wasn't breathing, there was blood coming from everywhere it looked like. I had no idea what to do. Panic had taken over; I couldn't lose her not know. I grabbed her without waiting another minute allowing autopilot and adrenaline take over and ran for the front door. Cas was hot on my heels. One wave and he had broken the glass doors allowing me to run through without stopping.

"Here" Cas handed me the keys for her car. I had no clue where he got them from and didn't stop to ask. I tossed her into the passenger side before climbing into the drivers seat and busting ass to the hospital. On the drive there I tried to come up with a plausible story about her falling into a pool from a height maybe a second story window? Maybe just jumped from the roof on a dare? A cry of pain and coughing startled me from my thoughts.

"Oh thank god your alive" I breathe a sign of relief.

"Yeah, no thanks to you" She screamed in pain trying to move in her seat.

"Me? What did I do?" I asked concerned then angry.

"You or the spirit that possessed you attacked me" She began to shiver.

"Are you cold? I could turn the heat on?" I reached for the heater.

"Nah it's broken..." She passed out, slumping in her seat.

"Shit, shit, shit" It must be the shock. I thought. In roughly 15 minutes I had made it to the hospital. I grabbed y/n from the passenger seat and raced her inside. She was cold but breathing. As I ran through the doors, I screamed for anyone and everyone to help us. A nurse soon appeared with a bed and shouted for me to put her on it. I froze torn between her needing help and my need to protect her. A nurse walked over and placed a hand on my arm.

"Its okay she'll be safe I promise" She reassured me.

I nodded and placed her on the bed watching as they wheeled her away screaming about trauma sheers and portable x-rays.

"Y/ns a fighter she'll be alright" the nurse spoke up.

"How do you know her?" I asked surprised turning to the nurse.

"We went to high school together; we were best friends but after graduation I choose med school and she choose more creative pursuits" She smiled.

"I'm Dean" I held out my hand.

"Oh, the new boyfriend Rachael was talking about, I'm Lina" She shook my hand "I got to say I'm surprised she finally found someone interested in her".

"What's the suppose to mean" I suddenly felt defensive about her.

"I mean nothing bad by it, she's just super unique, we went to an all-girls catholic school, and we use to have yearly dances with the boy's school. None of the boys gave her any attention. She wasn't a huge girly, girly, she never took their shit, never put out, was never anything but herself. To be honest I was always so jealous about how she could just be herself without a care in the world".

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