Part 4

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We finished up breakfast with my Mum. Sam and Dean done the dishes I rushed the boys out the door to go get the Impala before my Mum could do anything more for them. As per usual she was super nice when people where around and it was taking everything in me not to snap. Once we had our bags, we set of back in the direction of the car yard. Hopefully this time we would get the Impala back. The boys walked in front of me chatting away for the most part, leaving me be. I knew they knew something was up but I also knew they knew better then to ask. I had already made up my mind. I was going to help them finish out this case and then I would head for the next one. As soon as I had some alone time I was going to start researching my next case. I figured this one was as good as finished in the next 2 days or so. I already had a plan on where to continue the research on this case and an idea what to look for.

We got to car yard and Dean took off to look for this car. It didn't take him anywhere near as long as it had taken Sam to come back with the car. Dean and Sam began placing all their weapons and such back in their arsenal in the truck. I threw my suitcase on the back seat and climbed in to wait for them. While I was waiting I noticed a t-shirt on the floor. I picked it up out of curiosity. It looked like it could be one of Deans shirts. I brought it to my nose and smelt it. It was definitely one of Deans shirts. Before I could stop myself, I had unzipped my bag and shoved the shirt inside. I quickly zipped it back up. The truck obscured the view of the backseat so neither brother had seen what I had done. Why I took Deans shirt I had no idea. It wasn't like having something of his was going to help me get over him. Hell it would probably make the whole situation worse, but I couldn't help but feel like I deserved it. After everything he had done to me, I felt like I deserved something of his. He would never miss it. Hell he probably wouldn't even notice it was gone so no harm done right? The trunk closed with a loud thud that shook the car. Sam and Dean climbed into the car and we began the 40 minute drive back to the hotel.

When we pulled up out front of the hotel I was quick to grab my bag and make a b-line for my car. I had the keys on me so it wasn't like I need to step foot in the hotel room. I opened the door and tossed my suitcase over the drivers seat into the backseat. Dean stopped at the room door and looked at me as I climbed into the drivers seat.

"Where do you think your going?" Dean said

"Research" Was all I replied before I revved the engine and took off our of the paeking lot.

I drove myself to the library. I wanted to research each of the deaths at the pool and stay away from the Winchesters. I parked my Impala in the library parking lot, grabbed my notebook I kept in the car to use for researching and made my way inside. I wasn't the only one who had chosen to come to the library so early in the morning. I was forced to wait in the que at the reception desk for what seemed like an hour at least but was probably closer to 20 minutes. When it was my turn, I put on the biggest fake smile and sweetest voice I could.

"Hi I would like to book a computer and I would also like access to anything you may have about the Blacktown pool" I said

"Can I ask why?" the lady at the counter asked

"I'm writing a paper on places that have had seemingly bad luck from the day they opened and if there is a reason some places have worse luck then others"

"That certainly is an interesting topic, any other places I can look up for you?"

"Oh no just the pool thank you"

"Okay here is the login details for one of our computer cubicals, I'll get someone to bring you the rest soon"

"Thank you" I smiled taking the paper handed to me.

I walked off towards the cubical listed on the paper. I sat down in front of the computer and typed in the log in details the librarian gave me. A timer showed up in the bottom of the screen when I logged in showing I had an hour of computer time before I would be locked out and would need to go back up and ask again. Not wanting to waste time I immediately began search up all the deaths at the pool. I already knew we were dealing with a spirit so I figured the best place to start was making a list of all the people who had died at the pool. A quick google search gave me a list of 47 names. I wrote all 47 in my notebook and was about to start searching when a guy around my age walked over and handed me a large pile of papers and books. He had pulled everything they had and made copies of old newspaper articles for me to keep as reference material. I thanked him for his help and went back to searching the names. I knew I was looking for people the spirit would consider a burden and following that line of logic I assumed the ghost was likely someone who would see themselves as a burden. Following that line of logic I was able to bring my list down to 30 names. I was honestly hoping for a smaller list but with how long this had been carrying on for I wasn't surprised. I collected my things just as the computer timer ticked over to zero. That had to be some sort of hunting record. I dropped all the books back to the lady at the desk and made my way back to the car. I drove in silence back to the hotel, taking the longest possible path back. I even looped the block a couple times just to avoid seeing them for a little longer. But eventually I pulled into parking lot and a parked next to Deans Impala. Dean was standing next to his Impala on the side opposite me staring intently at the side of the car. I climbed out of my car grabbing my notebook as I went and made my way over to stand next to Dean. I looked to where Dean was looking. Sure enough there was a sizeable dint in the side of the car just like Sam had said. Overall the damage didn't look too bad. The dint could be fixed and the scratches on it looked like they would polish out.

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