Part 7

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I slept for ages. If I went off the alarm clock next to my bed, I had slept for well over 24 hours. I probably would have slept longer but the sound of my sliding door opening followed by Deans voice woke me right up.

"What do you have there Sammy?" Dean asked.

"Y/N hasn't eaten in 2 days, so I was just bringing her something" Sam said from directly outside the door. My stomach growled at the thought of food. It was true I hadn't eaten anything since Theresa's house.

"Oh, so your best buddies now?" Dean asked.

"What is your problem?" Sam sounded like he was getting angry with his older brother.

"Nothing it's just interesting that the girl you had a huge problem with your suddenly being super nice to".

"Yeah, well you love her Dean and I'm not going to change your mind on that, so I figured it's better I just accept it then keep this stupid fight going" Sam sighed.

"Turns out it was just a phase" I could hear Deans smirk in his voice.

"Dean? Are you..."

"Sam seriously guess I was just thinkin' to much with my downstairs brain" Dean laughed.

"Your sure?" Sam asked voice laced with uncertainty.

"Yes, I'm sure"

My heart broke with each word Dean spoke. If he truly felt that way, then why was he still hear looking after me? Why hadn't they just left when they dropped me here? I heard Sam opening the door again, so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard Sam approach and the mattress beside me sink as he sat on the edge of the bed. Sam placed a hand on my shoulder and began to softly shake me. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, pretending to have been woken up.

"Sorry you've been asleep for ages, and you need to eat something" Sam chuckled holding out the food.

"Thanks Sam" I tried to sit up, failing miserably "Uh a little help" I giggled nervously.

Sam chuckled before placing the food on my bedside table. He slipped an arm around my waist and hoisted me into a sitting position. He tucked two pillows from my bed behind my back to keep me comfortable. I grabbed the food from the bedside table and began tucking in. It was anything special literally tomato soup from a can with a couple of toasted cheese sandwiches. But still I dug into it like it was the last meal I would ever eat. Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"Okay well I'm going to head out for a little while".

"Going to see Theresa?" I gave a cheeky smile.

"Uh yeah" Sam smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

I waved my hand at the door dismissing him. Sam just chuckled and put his hands up walking out the door. I sat in silence eating my soup and watching the door half wanting Dean to come in and half wanting him to stay away. Once I had finished eating, I placed the tray with bowl and plate back on the bedside table. It was in that moment that I realised I desperately needed to go to the toilet. Not wanting to call Dean in I tried to sit myself on the side of the bed. It took a lot of strength to lift myself on one hand given that even the smallest amount of pressure on my arm pulled the stitches that lined it causing me to grit my teeth in pain. By the time I have myself seated on the edge of the bed fresh blood had begun to bleed through the once white bandage that circled it. I forced myself to stand wobbling on the thick cast around my foot and ankle. Luckly the cast stopped before my knee making it slightly easier to walk. With the assistance of the bedside table and the wardrobe that lined the wall between the bed and the bathroom door I was able to hobble my way to the bathroom. I didn't even think when I finished on the toilet, I flushed and wobbled over to the sink to wash my non-cast covered hand. The whole time I could hear Dean banging on the door and jiggling the handle asking to be let in. I sighed, looked at myself in the mirror and flicked the lock on the door allowing him to come in.

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