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So yesterday was one of the most stressful and emotional day of my life.

Now get yourself some popcorn and sit yo ass down coz I've got a mother effin to tell y'all.

So yesterday my aunt and cousin(a girl) came to my house for idk what reason and asked me if my cousin could borrow my clothes Coz hers had a huge stain on it.(idk how that happen)

And I started panicking coz all of my clothing are men clothing and yes if you're wondering I am genderfluid.At first I refused and she said that I was selfish.

So I was like trying to keep a straight face and try not to jump on her and claw her face off.

So then I told her I was genderfluid and she fuckin blew the fuck uo and told me I was stupid and told me I was a freak.

So then my mom came over to us and started explaining to her and her insults got more worst.

And there I was literally about to burst into tears and my cousin had this guilty look on her face and I think she mouthed out "I'm sorry" idk.

So then she then said,"You don't belong in this world!"

And something clicked in me and my mom shouted to her to get out and slapped her in the face and I was like:

"Oh shiet."

And my cousin come to me and said,"I'm so sorry about her,you do belong here."And ran out of the house with my aunt.

Then I broke down and for the whole day my mom comforted me and watched sherlock with me.

Now I want everyone to know that you are beautiful your own way.

You are allowed to wear what you want,be who you want and be with someone you want.

Don't let anyone tell you different.

I love all of you guys soo much even though we have never met nor do I know what you look like.

But just remember you are beautiful.

And also I have to best mom ever.

And I'm still fucking pissed.

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