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I have lots of ships:

(eg.Frerard,Phan,Peterick,Ryden,Destiel,Petekey etc...)

I know that these two people are not in a relationship with each other but eh...a girl can dream.

But seriously it pisses me off that some people hate on the girlfriends or boyfriends of the people in the ship.

Let's take Frerard for example ok:
I've seen lots of people hate on Jamia and Lindsey.

And it annoys the hell out of me,yeah I ship it but I don't go on hating the person's girlfriend/boyfriend,that's just rude.

I see that they're happy with their wives now and I don't have a problem with that.Yes I still ship Frerard,I believe that there was always that spark between them.

But they're happy now and as long as they're happy with with their wives and kids then I'm happy.
Now I also  want to talk about the people who don't ship the OTP and how the react.

There are two types:

-The chill ones
-The rude ones

Now let's start with the first one ok.

Personally I really like these people,they are just like,"Okay cool,I don't ship them but cool."

If you are one of those people give yourself a pat on the shoulder.

Now let's talk about the second one...

I feel like sighing soo loud when these people talk.

So let's say you are talking about something and then suddenly shipping/OTP's comes in the conversation and you tell her your OTP.

And then she gives that face of disgust and looks at you straight in the eye and say.

"Why would you ship them together!Like eww no!"

"Don't you know they both have girlfriends!"

Like bitch yea I know they have girlfriends so what.

I ship them together,so what.

Yea I believe they're together,that's my opinion.

And it's okay if you don't ship them and have an opinion but if you start bashing the person's OTP then that's not ok.

It's okay to have an opinion but some opinions don't need to be heard.

And I heard this thing of not giving a fuck I think you should do that.

Yes I started a rant book soo yea.

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