Chapter Eight: Many Years Later...

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It has been seven years since I was last at French Court.
The children Francis left me were twins, one boy, who I named Henrik and one girl, who I named Diana.
James and Arthur were now ten, Bruce was eight, Henrik and Diana were six almost seven.
My children were all loved by the Scottish Lords, and my daughter already had men coming to ask for her hand.
Henry has been wonderful through out it all, he accepted Henrik and Diana as his own and claimed some of the dark blonde hair was from his fathers family which was easy to believe and accepted but more so with my blonde hair.
Mary married Francis and still had no child, Francis slept with Lola when Mary ran off, and she had the other child of his, a little boy he was four now.
I never told Francis about the twins, but I did Catherine. She would always send things for them, and she kept insisting I told Francis, but I did not.
They had a plague incident, Rebellion and Mary, just not listening to advice.
I had to save some of my countrymen from Catherine trying to stop Mary.
John Knox returned to Scotland when Mary of Guise died.
He has been a big figure in my childerns lives and was a great support to me, when the lords learned I was Protestant some were hesitatant but I told them that I accepted them as they were but I would not change myself.
It didn't help that most were very sexist, but they saw me grow up and knew me as a person and worthy Lady Ross.

I walked into the waiting room when I saw Henry looking at me with a sad smile.

"Francis has died. I am so sorry, Elspeth."

I kept my face blank, but a tear escaped my eyes. Then I felt him pull me into a hug, and then I cried, I could not seem to stop as I let the sobs out of me.
It felt like something was ripped from me while Henry just held me as I let it all out.
After about an hour of letting it all out, I pulled away and stood up before my children could see me in such a state.

"I am sorry, Henry."

"I understand, Elspeth. I will be going to England for a while. Queen Elizabeth has called me back to court, and you and the children were optional."

"It has been years since I have seen Elizabeth, but I know most would be concerned if me and the children go with you. She considers myself and Mary threats to her reign, our sons even more so. Make sure you let Sarah know I say hello."

"She still finds that strange that the wife is saying hello to the other woman."

"But it is so funny."

I laughed, and so did he. He never claimed a mistress as promised, but he did have a regular woman in England. She was the daughter of a Baron, and I could tell he was in love with her.
I offered him a divorce if that was what he wanted, so he could marry her, but he had to agree that our children would inherit all titles we have.
He had been with her for a little over four years and ten with me, I knew I wasn't his soulmate, his one, but we were very good friends.

"Will Mary be coming home?"

"It seems she is trying to put herself as regent till Charles becomes of age, but she is also considering an option of a Spanish prince."

"The only one that is available.......who likes to be dominated."


We bother laughed at that one, Greer had been sending regular updates after everything that happened.
Mary publicly and somewhat privately abandoned her, but I did not.
I made sure she had a good house and money to see her through, but she grew a business of her own, and with her savings, she was doing great.
I would send someone to watch Lola and her son Jean Philip because of what is going to happen with her husband, Lord Narcisse.

It has been seven years, and she is still struggling with politics as a whole and made an enemy out of Lord Narcisse. The only one staying his hand is Lola.
I would do everything to keep her safe from Mary's schemes that will get her killed.

It would be a year at the most two before Mary returned to Scottish shores.

I walked through to the class room that the childern were in learning from the tutors,I peeked in and saw they were all in rapture of what they were learning before pulling away and saw John Knox walking towards me with a smile.

"Hello, Lord Knox."

I bowed my head with a smile and noticed his wife was with him.

"My princess, it is a pleasure. I see you are checking on the young ones."

"Yes, they are in rapture of their studies. It is nice from the horror stories I hear."

They both laughed at that but nodded their heads with a smile.

"We understand that King Francis is dead."

I felt pain for a moment and I know John took it as me losing my friend.

"I know you were close, friend. I am sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, Lord knox. He was almost like family, and I am sorry he is gone."

"You are strong, my princess. We all see it. I have the documents you requested."

"Is there going to be any issue from the Lords?"

"No, they are thrilled with the prospect."

"Very well, I will let Henry know the good news,"

Just before I walked away, I saw John hesitate, and I stopped and asked.

"What is it, John?"

"I would like to ask, if it please you to take my wife as a lady in waiting, I know you have not had any since Greer and Lady Lola were taken back into Queen Mary's service but I feel you need it now."

I looked at his wife, and she seemed elated at the idea, but I know I will need to be careful.

"Of course, it would be nice to have some help to care for my mother and the children. The possibility of Mary coming home soon. I need all the support I can get."

"Do we know when she is due back."

"No, last information was that she was trying for a Spanish marriage or becoming regent of the current king."

I could see that he was fighting not to roll his eyes.

"Why a foreign match?"

"Because we have become a Protestant country, my lord, she is a Catholic queen.  She wants the support, but I have a feeling it will not work that way.
It is one of the reasons I agreed to the divorce with Lord Darnley. I wanted him to find love, but I know his parents well. They want him to be a king, and that will not happen with me in their eyes.
My life and my childerns life would be in danger not just from the Earl of Lennox but possible Mary as well, to her she would need him to secure her claim after what she did when she married Francis."

John nodded his head because she was correct. She, as well as her childern would be killed for Mary to secure her claim when she returns.
He helped raise this girl and knew her to be everything a queen should be. He was friends with her father. He was a man who did not care for society norms.
He knew that Elspeth knew when to bend and when to be steel. He would never follow any woman but her as a ruler, and he would see to it that she was Queen till her son James came of age.
Henry had served his purpose in John's mind because Elspeth son now had the best claim to both thrones.

"You will need to go to Edinburgh, my princess. Your cousin, the Queens half-Brother, is struggling with some of the lords, and they could use your guiding hand."

"As you say, Lord Knox."

I left John with his wife so he could guide her to her rooms for when she was here with me but we all knew things were going to change.

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