Chapter Ten: Betrayal

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There will be mentions or indications of abuse, rape, torture, and childbirth.

You just need to be warned.


This was not a great day for me, I was giving birth to Sebastian's child, and my castle was under attack by Mary's people.
My guard had already got my children out and away to those loyal to me, but I could not be moved.
Sebastian was not here, and I suspected that my feelings might have been one-sided when Lord Knoxs wife confessed to sleeping with him also.
I was heartbroken because he was Sebastian, and I know I said nothing to incriminating to get my locked up or executed.
I screamed, loading, and the midwifes were helping me with my mother staying at my side.
After another hour of pain, the pressure increased before I pushed.

"You can do it, my princess."

I scream again before the pressure leaves and an infants cry is heard.

"A young Lord, my princess."

I smile and cry before taking him into my arms and see he has Bash's hair but my eyes.

"Nicolas shall be his name."

"Wonderful name, daughter."

The nurse maid came forward, and then I looked at my mother as the fighting got closer.

"You must leave Mama, take my son to his siblings, and protect them for me."

"You're my daughter, I will not abandon you."

"You are not. you are protecting the pieces of my heart."

I looked at her with tears in my eyes and gave her my infant son, then looked  at the nurse maid and midwifes that were looking at me with tears in their eyes.

"Please protect me, childern."

They all nodded confirming they would protect them then one stayed with me and the others left in the secret tunnel just as the door opened up and four very bloody men came in and dragged me from my birthing bed then killing the midwife that stayed with me then I was dragged into a wooden carriage.

I was in there for a while before  they stopped, and I dragged out of the carriage to a wooden hut.
Over the course of what  I believe to be weeks, I was verbal, physically, and sexually abused by my torturers.
They were trying to force a confession that I had been plotting against Mary, and I did not answer.
I made no sound as they forced themselves inside me, nor when they whipped me to the point I was unconscious.
When I refused to talk they dressed me in rages and dragged me back to the carriage and took me some place else and I was dragged out of the carriage in front of people and I heard several cried for me and people trying to save me.

I looked at them with a small sad smile and said to them.

"Save my childern. She has lost her mind."

Then I was hit in the head before being forced away again and dragged into the castle and was met with several lords trying to get to me but I was brought to Mary while she sat on her throne with my husband standing next to her.
He looked devastated when he saw me and flinched at the betrayal in my face before I covered it.

"You have been brought here for the reason of treason."

"Really......I thought I was tortured, raped and abused for no reason. Let us see this proof."

She covered her rage at my testament, and Bash looked shocked by my statement.
They brought a document in a hand i did not regonise, and the seal was fake  I looked at her in disbelief.

"Do you deny it?"

"Yes, I do deny it. That is not mine nor my childerns writing, and that seal is fake."

Everyone was murmuring again, and Knox looked at me proudly. You could see the rage in his eyes at my treatment  and then Darnley came in and saw me.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"She is being charged with treason."

"That's a load of bullshit and you know it."

"The evidence says otherwise. You, Elspeth Stewart, shall be executed at dawn, and your children will join you once they are found."


I said with rage as I looked at her in the eye, and everyone looked at me as I looked at Mary.

"You would murder innocent children and an innocent woman for your own insecurities."

She had me dragged away at that to a tower room. After a few hours, Lord Knox managed to see me.

"We have been trying to find you."

"I know John. Now I need you to save my childern.......put my James on the throne, he will unite Scotland and England."

John was crying now but fighting it and looked at me seriously.

"I will do as you command my queen. Your son will be king and your childern protected. Would you like me to read your last rights?"

"Yes, please."

John read me my last rights and hugged me gently, and I made him aware of what Sebastian had done and promised to exile him from Scotland.

The next morning, I was dragged into the square up to the dias. There was  an executor block waiting.
I saw people gathering, and most were crying for me, shouting how wrong it was and calling Queen Elspeth.

"My good people, today Mary Stewart has seen fit to execute me on false evidence. She has seen me beaten and abused while holding me and has informed me that she intended to kill me childern.
I ask you to keep them safe and watch over them for me, and keep them safe from the hands of a tyrant."

I saw Lord Knox watching from far away with a miserable expression but I smiled at him then i saw Bash looking me with sadness and I couldn't find myself smiling at him, he has been my husband. Our child is in danger, and I could not forgive it, but at least this way.....I get to see Francis again.

I lay my head on the block seeing my current life and my last life flash before my eyes and smile because I helped. I could feel it, and then the executioner lifted his axe and swung down.

The last thing I knew was I saw Francis again with a smile he greeted me with a kiss, and we walked off to the boat that was waiting for us on a beautiful beach.

"Come, my love, it's time to go."

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