chapter - 1

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Story set in 70s

Waking up the first thing taehyung do is looking at his husband's picture. Today is no exception, he finish his morning routine and went to the kitchen. He made breakfast and asked the maid to put all the dishes on the dining table.

He then went to his father in law's room to wake him up. He knocked on the door first then went inside.

" Appa ? " He called the sleeping old man. When the man opened his eyes he smiled and said " Good morning appa. Get up. Breakfast is ready. "

Taehyung helped the man to sit on the dining table and then gave him his medicine. After the man took his medicine he started serving.

" Your parents are coming today. " Said Mr Jeon, father in law of taehyung.

" I will take care of them. You don't need to worry appa. " Said taehyung.

" For how long taehyung ? It's been two years now. You are still young. Minjae likes you a lot. I can't see you wasting your life anymore. " Mr Jeon sighed.

" I have a husband appa. I am happy with my life. Please don't force me do something I don't want. " Taehyung was calm as always.

" We don't know if he's alive..." Started Mr Jeon but taehyung cut him off.

" Appa... don't ever say that again." Said taehyung giving Mr Jeon a glass of water.

" It's hurts to even think about it taehyung, he is my prince. But we have to face the reality. It's been two years we didn't get any news about him. He left you the day after your wedding. You didn't even get the chance to spend some time with him.
You deserve so much my son. Please stop being stubborn and marry Minjae. You will be happy. I am getting old now. There are many hungry demons are waiting for the chance. I can't protect you forever. " Said Mr Jeon wiping his tears.

And Minjae is one of those demons thought taehyung. He shook his head and said " I am happy appa. I am happy while waiting for my husband. I love it here. Taking care of you, helping you on your work. "

After their breakfast taehyung sat with mr Jeon and helped him with acounts.

Mr Jeon is the richest man in the village. He have many lands and properties. His wife passed away when their son jungkook was five years old.

Jeon jungkook son of Mr Jeon, he was well behaved kid from his childhood. The perfect son always listened to his father. The only thing he did without his appa's permission is to enrolled in military. He always wanted to be a soldier, he wanted to fight for his country. Even though Mr Jeon wasn't happy at first but he was very Proud of his son gaining the title of
" captain"

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