chapter - 4

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Present time

Taehyung touches his pandant. People keep telling him that jungkook is no more. But something inside his heart always tells him that jungkook will be back. He can't give Jungkook's place to anyone even in his wildest dreams.

He reached home and saw his parents along with minjae. Minjae is Jungkook's cousin. He is head over heels for taehyung. He tried to pursue taehyung but taehyung always rejected him. He tried to convinced mr Jeon and at the end he went to taehyung's parents, that's why they are here.

Mr Jeon also sat there with them. Taehyung tried to control his anger and sat infront of his parents.

" Taehyung baby please marry Minjae. He will keep you happy. " Said Mrs Kim.

" How much dowry minjae is giving you eomma ? " Asked taehyung sharply looking at her.

Mrs Kim got surprised seeing this taehyung. Taehyung never talked to her like this. He would always looked down. But this taehyung so different.

" Watch your tone taehyung. You are talking to your mother. " Mr Kim said getting offended by taehyung's way of talking.

" And you are talking to Jeon taehyung. A married man. " Said taehyung. He then looked at minjae and said " This is the last time, i am warning you minjae. If you stalked me again I will report you to the police. "

Mr Jeon got surprised hearing this. He thought minjae was a good kid, he didn't know minjae was stalking taehyung.

" Yes dad, he is stalking me ever since he saw me. I didn't wanted to upset you that's why I didn't tell you. "

" Stop taehyung. Why you are being so stubborn. So what if minjae is not as rich as jungkook. He will take care of you. " Said Mrs Kim.

Before taehyung could answer Mr Jeon said" Enough. How dare you talk to my son in law like this. Taehyung is not like you guys. Money is last thing he will care about.
I think you all should go back now. Minjae, next time if I saw you around taehyung, you will see the worse side of me. "

After three of them went out taehyung broke down crying. " I am not a gold digger. I am not.... "

Mr Jeon patted his head comforting him. " You are an angel taehyung. "

I hope my son come back not for my sake for you. You deserve the best. Thought Mr Jeon.

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