last chapter

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The next day Taehyung was making breakfast when a maid came running to the kitchen.

The maid had tears in her eyes as she looked at taehyung.

" What happened? " Asked taehyung.

" Sir is back.." said the maid making taehyung froze.

" ? " Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like a dream. It has to be one of his dream right?

He started walking towards the living room even though he just wanted to run. He was scared... what if it's not a reality.

He reached the living room with his pounding heart. He saw him after two years. Standing in hall with a bag in his hand.

Jungkook's pov

He is still here ? I can't believe my love is still here in my house. Maybe taking care of my Father, that's why he is here right?
There is no way he is still waiting for me.

He is still so beautiful, he gained little bit of weight, which looks good on him.

I remember when appa send me his picture telling me how we will make a good pair.
Then I met him for the first time in that temple. He was so innocent while shuttering. I will always remember how he just run away from me as if I was going to eat him.

I felt like running to him and hugging him close to my heart. But what if ?

My thoughts gets cut off as I hear appa's voice.

Mr Jeon cried hugging Jungkook. He can't believe his son is back. Taehyung was right.

Taehyung also cried seeing the scene.

After few minutes mr Jeon looked at taehyung and smiled. He then dragged jungkook with him and made stand infront of taehyung.

" Look at your crazy husband. Still waiting for you. "

This time taehyung didn't looked down he stared at jungkook with so many emotions. Hurt, anger, happiness, worry. He didn't know what to say.

The awkward moment was broken by Mr Jeon who told jungkook to get freshen up so they can have lunch together.

Jungkook nodded and went his room still not believing the fact taehyung waited for him. He saw the pandant on his neck. He is so lucky to have taehyung.

He came out the bathroom to see his clothes were ready on the bed. He quickly wore them and came to the dining room.

He saw his appa sitting on the dining table smiling and taehyung serving him.

He went to sit besides his appa and taehyung served him. After that taehyung also sat and started having his lunch.

Mr Jeon had so many questions but he didn't ask anything. He wanted give the couple some privacy so he said " taehyung, I am going to field today. And after that i am having dinner with one of friend so don't wait for me okay? "

" There is no way you are going to work and dinner outside. Impossible. You have to take your medicine, eat on time or you will get sick. " Said taehyung scolding him.

Jungkook was amazed seeing taehyung scolding his appa.

" Aish. Don't worry. I am not a child. I know how to take care of myself. Besides my son is back now. I have to be happy, healthy or who will play with my future grandchildren. " Said Mr Jeon making jungkook choke while taehyung became red.

Mr Jeon hugged jungkook and went out. Even though he didn't want to leave his son for a minute he knew taehyung needed jungkook more.


Taehyung was making the bed so jungkook could rest. While jungkook was looking at him.

" Taehyung? " Called jungkook making taehyung stopped his movements.

Jungkook made taehyung look at him and asked " why did you wait for me ? "
Taehyung glared at him.

Jungkook chuckled seeing taehyung. He said " don't tell me you fell for me ? "

Taehyung started hitting him with his fists. Jungkook didn't stopped him. He knew he deserves it.

Taehyung stopped after few minutes with teary eyes. He hugged jungkook. He buried his face in his muscular chest inhaling his scent.

Jungkook hugged him back. Kissing his head again and again mumbling sorry.

" I hate you so much captain Jeon. " Said taehyung sobbing.

" I know. I deserve it. " Said jungkook smiling.

" How could you? " Taehyung finally calm down.

" I am ready for my punishment. " Said jungkook putting his head on taehyung's shoulder.

" I was there in relief thinking you probably moved on. Here you were waiting for to come back. I am such a bad husband. " Said jungkook making taehyung pout.

" You are right. You are a very bad husband. I should punish you.
Your punishment is you..... you are not going to rest. You are going to make love to me. " Even taehyung don't how he said this. But his mind is still stuck at their wedding night, where he felt rejected.

Jungkook widen his eyes hearing this.
" Are you sure ? " He asked. Only he knows how much he wanted this.

Taehyung blushed nodding his head, couldn't help hide his face in his chest.

" You really don't know how to give a punishment jagi. " jungkook whispered in his ear.

Jungkook kissed taehyung's lips, hard.
He layed taehyung on the bed. He will make it up to taehyung. In these two years the loneliness taehyung felt.

Taehyung breath heavily as he layed down on the bed naked while jungkook was undressing himself.

Jungkook have lots of scar in his body.

He must have gone through so much torture thought taehyung. he sat down and gently caresses the scars and then kissed all of them.

Jungkook smiled. It's worth it. The way he fought for his life, bearing all the torture so he could come back rather than taking his life.

Taehyung looked at him with teary eyes. Jungkook wiped his tears and kissed him again.

He made love to taehyung again and again. Making sure to let him feel loved, accepted.

" I still can't believe you waited for me. " Said jungkook hugging taehyung close as they were laying down naked after their love making sessions.

" You are not dreaming. " Mumbled taehyung in his chest.

" I will quit my job." Said jungkook making taehyung froze.

" What ? "

" I will quit my job and do our family business. I don't want to leave you and appa again. " Said jungkook making taehyung happy. He felt relieved to know he won't be lonely again.

" Tae ? "

" Yes ? "

" Let's give my appa lots of grandchildren. " Said jungkook before kissing him again.

Taehyung himself didn't know the exact reason but he waited for jungkook. Maybe because of the marriage, maybe because he fell for jungkook at first sight, maybe he didn't want to leave Mr Jeon. Whatever the reason at the end he felt like it was worth it. Jungkook was worth it.

The end

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