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~The next morning~
After getting maybe three of hours of sleep throughout the entire night, the sound of my alarm clock brought me into full consciousness.

I made myself get up and take a quick shower, blow drying my curls before I got dressed.

Although my new job didn't seem very exciting, I was actually looking forward to it.

The fact that I'd be working just a few feet away from one of the fittest men I'd ever met may have had something to do with it.

However, I was also looking forward to something different.

That's the main reason why I moved to London.

I had lived quite the sheltered life in Cheshire, and I'd always wanted to get out and experience new things.

My mum didn't exactly agree with me moving away, which was why I took time every other day to call her and chat.

Mainly I just assured her that I was alright, but sometimes we actually had a nice conversation.

"Good morning Harry." Louis smiled, stepping into the lift with me.

"You look tired." He commented, pressing the button that would take us up to our floor.

"I didn't sleep well." I admitted.

"There's coffee in the break room." He said, looking at me.

"Coffee sounds lovely." I said, knowing it would warm me up as well as wake me up.

"Where's that dark haired bloke?" I asked him, figuring they usually stuck together. They seemed to be quite close.

"Dunno, why?" Louis asked, glancing over me before making eye contact.

"I was just curious." I replied innocently, feeling myself smirk. "He seems a bit...secretive." I added.

"Perhaps that's why neither of us know where he is." Louis whispered, widening his eyes at me before looking himself over and brushing off his trousers.

I watched him pick a bit of lint from his shirt, flicking it away and sending his fingers through his hair as the lift doors opened.

Louis walked off into the office, and I followed, glancing at his bum before I found my way to the break room.

I participated in a brief conversation with a few of my female co-workers while I made my coffee, ignoring they ways they all looked at me.

Regardless of how they may have felt, I wasn't interested in women at all. They made lovely friends, but I wasn't attracted to them.

While walking to my new work space, I looked up and saw Zayn sat at his desk, already working.

I studied how black his hair was, admiring the way it looked beneath these fluorescent lights.

I noticed a tattoo on the back of his neck peeking out from beneath his shirt, letting my eyes wander over his desk space as well. I didn't see any pictures, decorations, or anything personal.

Apparently the only way to learn anything about this bloke was to ask, like a civilised person.

I didn't like that. I preferred to learn from observation, it was much less difficult.

Sighing to myself, I sat at my desk and turned my computer on, and started digging through my box.

I placed my supplies on my desk, arranging them neatly.

The man I met with when I was interviewed for this job said that I was allowed to bring personal things, such as pictures, to make my work space a more comfortable and familiar area.

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