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~Two weeks~
It was exactly two in the morning.

I'd kicked the duvet off my bed and lay there in just my boxers, staring at the ceiling.

I'd been awake for ages, thinking about myself, and my life.

When I wasn't thinking about all of that, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry.

I thought about every inch of Harry, biting my lip as I blushed.

My skin began to tingle with heat, as well as my insides. The feeling lasted for a short amount of time, then faded.

This cycle had been continuing since I got in bed.

I'd gone back to painting Harry almost every chance I got, mainly because Liam hadn't called me since we got back from New York.

I thought about calling him, but I didn't want to bother him. I assumed Liam was busy, and would do as he said and call me when he needed me.

However, things between Harry and I had been perfect lately, and I wished he didn't have work tomorrow and could've stayed the night with me.

I liked how it felt to have him sleeping next to me, even if he snored, took up most of the bed, and mumbled in his sleep.

I sighed heavily, turning my head and looking at my phone where it rested on my night table.

As I licked my lips, I reached over and picked it up.

I knew I'd be waking Harry up if I called now, but I really wanted to hear his voice.

If I couldn't have him here beside me I at least wanted to talk to him.

I chewed my lip as I waited for him to answer, playing with the waistband of my boxers.

When I got his voicemail, I released my lip and quickly hung up, feeling like calling him was a bad idea anyway.

Especially at this time in the morning.

I felt a little foolish, setting my phone back on my night table and rolling onto my side.

I stared forward into the darkness, drifting away into my thoughts again.

After a while, I actually began to relax. My eyes became heavy, and I could feel myself falling asleep.

Just as I neared complete unconsciousness, my phone rang.

It seemed so loud, and caused me to almost flinch out of my skin.

I reached over and got my phone, rolling back onto my back as I answered.

"Zayn." Harry said, his voice making my heart skip a few beats.

"This is he." I said, smiling a little.

"Did you call me?" He mumbled, his voice deep and soft sounding from sleep.

He also sounded confused.

"Um, yeah, sorry. I...couldn't sleep and I couldn't stop thinking about you." I said shyly, unable to stop smiling.

It was mad how much Harry affected me.

I listened to him shift around, and clear his throat. "It's alright babe."

"I miss you." I eventually said, sitting up in bed, looking toward the floor.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said softly.

"Make some tea." Harry said.

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