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"Are you two sure?" Ms.Robinson frowned after we told her we wanted to adopt Thomas too.

"Thomas is....he's a good boy but....." She trailed off.

"We're not leaving without him." Harry said, staring at her.

"Alright, Thomas can stay with the two of you as well until everything's official. It'll take longer, now that you've chosen to adopt him too, but I can definitely do it." Ms.Robinson nodded.

"Good." Harry said, looking at me.

"I'll go and tell Emily to get Thomas." She said, walking back into the house.

"You do realize we're going to have two children, right? Two other lives we're responsible for?" I asked Harry.

He smiled, stepping close to me. "I know, I think we're ready."

"Don't you?" He asked.

I smiled, nodding and looking at Joseph, who yawned.

"Don't babies take naps? the middle of the day?" Harry asked.

I stared at him. "Yes, Harry. Babies take naps." I said in a duh tone.

"D'you think we should go back to the flat instead? Maybe put him down for a nap and get to know Thomas?" Harry suggested.

I nodded again. "That sounds like a good idea."

"See love? It's alright." Emily said softly, bringing Thomas outside.

He was wearing a coat and shoes now, using the sleeve of that coat to wipe his tear stained cheeks.

Emily walked Thomas over to us, letting go of his hand.

Harry crouched down to him, the two of them making eye contact.

"We're not taking your brother away, okay? You're going to come with us too, everything will be fine." He assured him.

Thomas leaned back against Emily's legs, staring at Harry and not speaking a word.

"I promise." Harry said softly.

"They're going to take care of you and Joseph now, sweetheart." Emily said, stroking his hair.

"Okay?" Harry asked him.

Thomas glanced up at me with startling blue eyes, nodding a little.

"C'mon." I spoke up, walking over and opening the back door of the car.

Other than the occasional noises Joseph made, the ride back to Ms.Robinson's office was silent.

"Can I speak with one of you in private before you leave?" Ms.Robinson asked after she got out of the car.

"Yeah." I said, getting out of the car.

"I just wanted to tell you a few things about Thomas." Ms.Robinson said, walking with me towards her office.

"Alright." I said.

"Well, first of all, I'll bring the rest of his and Joseph's things tonight." She said.

"But....Thomas is a very intelligent boy to be four years old. However, he's not exactly social when it comes to interacting with children his age, and seems to get into trouble quite often." She said.

"He's also been known to sleepwalk occasionally, and have night terrors."

"Okay." I managed to say, trying to understand all of this.

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