Casino Cups part 13

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Most of this chapter is made up parts about Y/N

Does alcohol affect the devil differently given he's not mortal. And what about Y/N? I'm guessing their half mortal so how does it work for her?


I sat at a table with dad as he poured a glass. "yeah it Doesn't work on me as much" he said "and me being half mortal is correct so I usually have the same stuff as Dad" I shrugged. "and in hell we make our own kind of Booze. Immortal kind. To mortals it might as well be poison." He said. Then Cuphead walked over. I looked away quickly. He's continued to blank me after the kiss and I'm doing it back to him. "Unless apparently your Cuphead" Dad said "yep" Cuphead replied "maybe you got a watered down dose or something" Dad said "or Mabye I'm actually immortal" Cuphead smiled. "you died in the past" dad continued as I began to drink "And came back every time" he answered "don't get ahead of yourself you got revived. Seriously don't try this again" dad finished as I stood up.

Cuphead! Why are you ignoring Y/N! Especially after the kiss! You should talk to her!

Cuphead POV:

I sat on my apartment couch and Mugman had just walked through the door, "Cuphead? You alright?" He asked, I sighed and shrugged "you can talk to me" he smiled as he sat next to me. "well uh I kinda kissed Y/N" I said quickly. "Really! That's great! What did she say?" He asked "nothing. I've been blanking her again" I admitted. "Cuphead. You should really talk to her about it. She's been so worried about you" he said to me. "Fuck." I said In realization I've just screwed up even worse than usual!

Any fun facts about the Devil?

Cuphead POV:

"When he goes down deeper into hell he automatically turns super huge and his horns and teeth glow!"


"Back when I was growing up he'd insist on telling me bed time stories and would do all the voices" I laughed

King Dice:

"He likes getting scratched behind the ears like a cat"

Mugman POV:

"His name 'Devil' translates to 'accuser' or 'slanderer' while another name of his 'Saten' translates to 'adversary'" before I could finish the Devil himself appeared behind me "are you- researching me?" He asked "nooooo" I lied "wow Mugman I did not know you were obsessed with me!" He grinned "what!?! No-" "honestly I can't blame you, look at me" he smirked "oh come on you probably know me and my brothers life inside and out! It's only fair I get to know stuff on you!" I said to him "uh-huh sure well you're not going to get it from those books. They got so much wrong" he said to me "yeah I figured" I sighed "don't trust everything you read mugshot. Actually just don't read anything... it's a bit creepy." He said to me "well now you know how I feel."
Y/N what would you do if you're parents showed up at the casino?

Flashback to when Y/N was 6

Devil POV:

Y/N was running around the casino causing havoc like I taught her. "Boss? Are we sure it's a good idea to let a six year old run around a casino?" Dice asked "Dice we have security everywhere in this building I'm sure she's fine" I said as I watched a game.


I ran around the casino trying to get strangers to bet their souls (yes I was six and helping out my dad) suddenly I crashed into someone "Watch it you- Y/N?" She asked. I looked up to see the woman was looking at me with teary eyes. "How did you know my name? Who the heck are you?" I asked "oh my baby" she cried as she knelt down and held my face gently "listen lady I don't know how you know my name but i don't know you" I said as I stepped away "honey I am you're mother" she said to me "my mother?" I asked with curiosity "yeah! Oh I shouldn't have made that bet. Come on let's go home. He's not watching we can still sneak you-" "is something the matter?" Dice asked as he walked over and picked me up "oh Mr Dice, I was just taking my daughter-" "you're daughter?" He asked as he glared at her "yes. My daughter." She said to him. "If I remember you're contract correctly you sold her away. So she's not yours anymore so go away before I get the boss on you" he said as he began to carry me away "no! No! Y/N! My child! Please!" She yelled I looked back to see security guards dragging her away "Dicey? Who was that?" I asked "just a very confused woman. Don't worry about her" he smiled as he placed me on the bar counter.
I think Mugman and Y/N should kiss


Me and Mugman shared an awkward look. "uh-" "I-" we both just shared an uncomfortable and awkward silence. "actually, Y/N, could we try something" he asked "uh sure? What are we trying?" I asked "pretend you're about to kiss me" he said "what?" I asked in confusion"just trust me" he said to me "uh okay then?" I questioned as I cupped his cheeks. I lent in making it look like I was about to kiss him. But then:

"What the hell!?!" I stopped and saw Cuphead staring angrily at Mugman and I.

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