The task

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I was cleaning the side when an Imp ran up to me, "miss Y/N, your needed" he said to me. "Okay" I smiled as I walked towards the office. I walked in to see:
And that weird monkey thing

"I have gathered you all here because I have a certain "task" for you all to do" Dad (Devil) said to us. He explained that the Casino needed some extra cash and our task was to rob a bank, he gave us a car and told us to sort out a plan.

"Alright so, Mugman will be the get away driver, Mangosteen can look inside the bank which is how we know what not to do and the layout of it. Monkey can stand Gaurd outside the car and me, Y/N and Cuphead can go in. Sounds good?" Chips asked as Mugman pulled up to the back of the bank.

Me, Chips and Cuphead got out. They walked through the back and I teleported towards the exit. I locked the doors and then teleported towards the back exit then I unlocked that and snuck back to the guys and gave them a thumbs up. "ALRIGHTY EVERYONE, Give us the loot and we'll let you live how does that sound?" Chips smirked as we revealed our wepons. Someone tried running towards the front only to discover it was locked. I immediately shot them and everyone screamed! I ran towards the bank clerks and they all handed the money to us. "Pleasure doing business with you" I smiled as we ran through the back. As we got into the car we Heard police sirens! "MUGMAN STEP ON IT!" Cuphead yelled as we took off!

"These cops are so annoying!" I yelled as I reloaded Chips Gun. I handed to him and he smirked knowing what I ment. Then I grabbed mine and we both lent out the window and began rapid firing!

Cuphead POV:

I was yelling at Mugman to keep going when I looked at Y/N. She looked so cool right now. Cuphead reload the gun!" She yelled as she handed it to me. I nodded and refilled as she began shooting with my old gun. At this point I wasn't even reloading it and I was just staring at her. "Cuphead you can stare at your girlfriend when we're back at the casino and not being chased by the police!" Chips smirked. Me and Y/N looked at him and yelled "WE'RE JUST FREINDS!" then I handed her the gun back and she was again going crazy with shooting! Then I bullet skidded past her face causing slight bleeding. "SHIT Y/N!" Mugman yelled as she leaned back in. "I'm fine I've been worse" she said as she gavee the gun again as she grabbed my old one again. "Y/N I can take over-" "Cuphead I said I'm fucking fine!" She yelled while smirking at the cop cars.


We finally lost them and for back to the Casino. "Oh good your back- Y/N WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!" my dad (the Devil) yelled in concern. "Don't worry it was just a skid" I said as I walked towards the staff room tap. I found a paper towel and did what any school nurse would do in this situation. I ran it under the water a bit and then dabbed it on the skid mark. "You sure your okay?" Dad (King Dice) asked. "I'm sure" I smiled as Chips handed the money bags to Dad (The Devil)

Cuphead POV:
That night we were in the apartment and I was just lying on my bed inside my palace.


I was thinking about what Chips said I'm the car. "Cuphead remember we have to pay the rent- you okay?" He asked. "I think so?" I responded. "What's on your mind?" He asked. "Well. I've been thinking recently" "that's a first" Mugman smirked. "Wow okay thanks smartass. Anyway I've been dwelling on something Chips said I'm the car today" I shrugged. "Was it:

CUPHEAD STOP KISSING THE MONEYBAGS AMD RELOAD THE GUNS?" He asked. "No not that but close" I answered. "Close... Was it about you and Y/N?" He asked. "Yeah that one" I answered. "Ooooo what's this do I hear? My brother has a crush?" He smirked. I went red. "Wha- that's not- I mean- I'm- she's-" "I'll leave you to think about that" Mugman smiled as he left. I looked at the ceiling. "Y/N? No! Cuphead love isn't real!" I yelled at myself. "If you keep telling yourself that then you'll never realize!" Mugman yelled from the other room. "Shut up!" I yelled back.

Devilsh (Casino cups cuphead x reader)Where stories live. Discover now