Casino Cups part 5

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Hey Cuphead and Mugman what's your reaction to Dice's theme song?

Cuphead POV:

We got through the doors and immediately paused. "Did he- right his own theme song?" "You can head over to the next isle! Plenty more marks to lean on there!" He smiled as he disappeared. "Psh what a prick. right mugs?" I asked as mugs nodded. And five seconds later we were singing along.

So mugs is like the tipsy troop when he drinks. What's cups like when he's drunk? Hell does Y/N ever get drunk either?

Cuphead smiled as pointed at Mugman. "Mugman is only like that on a Lucky day" "Can we not talk about this???" Mugman said In a very embarrassed voice. "Yeah, normally when he's drunk he just gets really sad and starts crying" I added. "Oh yeah well cuphead does crazy shit when he's drunk" Mugman said "I do crazy shit when I'm not drunk" Cuphead corrected. "This one time you somehow snuck onto the theatre, got onto stage in the middle of miss Stageplays performance and stole the role of Hamlet!" Mugman recalled. "Then you came home with the stolen costume and a trophy for best performance" Mugman fineshed. "Well hey! that makes two plays of hers I interrupted and made better she should be thanking me" Cuphead laughed. "Another time you stole Dr Khals Robot and used it to take Captin Brineybeards ship around the city!" I added to the list of examples. "Oh please she had fun" Cuphead smirked. "And the other time you went missing for the entire night and the next day me and Y/N found you in a hidden chamber of the temple reciting some sort of CHANT!" Mugman yelled, "well hey, I found the hidden chamber right? So you're welcome" he smiled. "Cuphead your missing the point as usual!" Mugman said in a very annoyed tone. "Anyway what about you Y/N?" Cuphead asked. "I don't usually get drunk here because I either A) do some crazy shit, like one time I set the bar on fire. or B) I get very flirty. And I'd rather not flirt with some older creep customer so the rare chance I get drunk at work stay far the fuck away" I laughed.


What do you all do in your spare time?

Cuphead POV:
"Whatever we want" I answered, "depends whether your asking about work or in general" Dice continued. "Mugman likes to hang out in the library" I said "what about it?" Mugman asked. "I just sit in my room and do shit" Y/N shrugged.

Devil POV:
I'm beginning to confuse spare time with work.


Y/N! If you could date Cuphead or Mugman who would it be????

"Okay where are the questions about romance coming from?" I questioned. Then I thought. "Uh...I guess I've never really thought about it." I shrugged. "But I guess if I had to...uhhhhh Cuphead?" I shrugged.


Do the brothers and Y/N know anything about there birth parents? Also who are there favourite coworkers? (Besides eachother lol)

Cuphead POV:
"No honestly I'm not sure if they ever existed at this point." I started. "We never really asked him...never had to." Mugman continued. "And now we might never know..." He fineshed. "So what... It doesn't even matter..." I said.

"Listen. All I know about my birth parents is that they were irresponsible and gambled me away. And that's all I want to know. And all I'll ever know because Dad won't talk about them and whenever I ask he avoids the subject. But I don't care. They didn't care about me. So why should I care about them." I finished. Then I heard a knock on the door. Cuphead and Mugman. "Hey guys, you here to do the ask?" I asked. "Yeah, so favourite coworkers you say? Mine are chips and Mangs. They're fun to hang around" Cuphead smiled. "Mine are Mr Wheezy and hocus" I smiled. "I... I guess that would be Pirouetta and Pachinko"Mugman grinned. "Who the hecks Pachinko?" Me and Cuphead said in synchronization.


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