chapter 4 (new arrivals part 2)

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(warning- swear swords)

3rd pov-

Error can sense it...another pathetic anomaly. Something however about it felt rather... off...he can't put a finger on it...these anomonlys are useless and have no place no need to be here. If it was error's choice , he'd destroy every au that he could find, but it's not like he'd be able to, especially because of his arch nemesis ink, the complete opposite, he encouraged us being created, it was so infuriating...but slowly..a plan developed


Dream smiles as he gently takes the dog monster's soft paw and places a soft kiss on it like a gentleman. (Y/n)'s tail gently began to wag from his little display of greeting. " come you all are so identical?" She asked tilting her head, her ears flopping a little from the movement. Ink being ink decided to butt in since he's very good with this type of thing. Ink smiles nudging dream away so he can get her attention, "were different aus! You see aus are alternative universes! You see there is a original universe known as undertale, this here is under swap a place where everyone's personalities are swap! But there's thousands, no MILLIONS! of different aus! A au where everyone is edgy! A au where everyone is in space! A au were sans kills everyone for hp!" Ink continues, (y/n) was a little started by the last thing he said, "w-wait what was that l-" but before she can even question what he said she gets interrupted, "an au where everyone acts like they're in the 80s! A au where everyone's species swapped! Even a au th-" he suddenly stops and throws up black ink, tainting the snow. (Y/n) gasped and quickly backs up so no one it gets on her, "a-are you ok!??" She asked, what was wrong with this guy?! Dream pats her shoulder as reassurance , "oh don't worry miss (y/n)...he usually does this when he gets a little too excited." He answered. Ink finished vomiting the black liquid, wiping off what was left from his chin, "uhhhh sorry, what were we just talking about?" He asked as his eyeliner changed from feeling confusion. Blueberry merely shook his head, "DON'T MIND HIM (Y/N), YOU'LL GET USED TO IT EVENTUALLY!" He said to cheer her up. Maybe blue is right, it's nothing to worry about... although what ink said earlier...worried her, was there any...evil aus?...her soul felt a sharp pang at the very thought of something like that being true...




Usually error wouldn't stoop to ever really talking to him but this was necessary, this...power from a soul, it was so much, imagine having said power? He can destroy all the aus and ink and his pathetic little friends would be powerless to stop him! Error decided to simply summon a glitchy portal and his anti void to the location he wanted to go, he walks in and it closes it behind him.

He stood in front of a large castle, the trees around lost their leaves, the sky above was dark and a bit cloudy, It was hard to see the stars trying to peek pass, error huffs and goes to the entrance, pushing the large door and walks in

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He stood in front of a large castle, the trees around lost their leaves, the sky above was dark and a bit cloudy, It was hard to see the stars trying to peek pass, error huffs and goes to the entrance, pushing the large door and walks in. The door closed behind him, The hallway was dark, the cobblestone cool and the only light was the soft candles illuminating this hall , a dark purple velvet carpet going all the way to the end of the hall to the main double door

the golden soul (sans au x reader x papyrus au) (CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now