chapter 1 (where am I?...)

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(this chapter has been updated)

3rd pov

Emptiness....that's all it ever was here... there was no sans, papyrus, toriel, asgore or anyone else would be in the normal aus. It seemed completely empty expect one monster. A beautiful crystal lied on the floor of the void. There wasn't exactly a way to tell time here, it was just empty.... here but suddenly crystal began to shake before cracking and and a bright gold light shown brightly before slowly dying down, revealing a monster laying there.


The monster slowly woke up, she looks around in confusion, a small headache began to settle in...what was this place? Why was she here?...she can't remember...she can't remember anything. Her soul, it wasn't like your average normal soul of being a glowing white color, it was instead a beautiful golden color. However that soul is was something almost unbelievable. It was called a golden soul, it's origins were rather unknown and not many monsters even knew what it was, however the monsters who heard of it didn't even believed it was true, just a mere myth. In old written scriptures it's said to be extremely powerful, It said the last monster to be born with a golden soul was hundreds of years ago. Human souls has different colors with meanings, but for a monster it was rather unknown. The dog monster looked around courisly before looking down at her outfit, she was wearing black skirt with a sweater with stripes on the sleeves thats a little to big on her,long socks that show your toes, and a bandanna bow in (favorite color 1) with a gold gradient and a gold heart in the middle,the sweater matched her beautiful her eyes, her paw pads matched her eyes looked very squishy. Lastly she wore a long scarf in (your favorite color 2) without small pom poms a lighter shade of (favorite color 2). The monster was slighter shorter than Medium height

(Drawing by me :3)She hummed looking down at the scarf and gently feels the on the soft fabric with her paws, "where am I?

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(Drawing by me :3)
She hummed looking down at the scarf and gently feels the on the soft fabric with her paws, "where am I?..." She mumbled softly but then suddenly felt as if nothing was under her, it was a portal. The dog monster screams in terror from the sudden long fall. The monster landed into freezing cold, the fall knocking her out on impact. A monster was was walking through the snow when he sees the monster laying unconscious in the snow.

??? Pov

I was walking with my big brother papyrus through this amazing city on the surface, this place is so amazing! until I notice something, it looked like (fur color) fur and then I noticed a sweater and a big scarf, it was a monster in the snow! "P-PAPYRUS LOOK!!" I yelled to my younger brother papyrus as I pointed at the figure. My brother papyrus looked over at it as well. "Hm, Let's go check it out but let's be careful" papyrus said as he took his cigarette out of his mouth and blows out the smoke. we approached the figure to see a dog monster unconscious laying in the snow,the snow was slowly started to pile on her body more and more, I picked her and carried her back to our house I placed her on the couch and put a bunch a blankets on her to keep her harm I saw her curl up into a ball and snuggle into the covers. I sigh in relief that she was alive. it's a good thing we had found her when we did , she could have froze to death at there like that. I'll ask who she is when she wakes up! I hope she's nice.

the golden soul (sans au x reader x papyrus au) (CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now