chapter 3 (new arrival part 1)

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3rd pov-

(Y/n) smiles as she Held her shopping bags, full of some new clothes that should last her for the next 2 weeks or so! (Y/n) smiles as she looks around this city, so many monsters and humans walking around, talking, spending time together, this place was very nice! Blueberry was a next to her with his own shopping bag while humming to himself as they walk past the different stores. Orange was walking behind him , the only thing he brought was just a bottle of orange flavored honey, chara was on his shoulders, drinking a milkshake he got them. (Y/n) perks up seeing something in the store displayed a adorable bandana with start and sparkle charms on it, her eyes widen in awe, oh if only she had coins to pay it with...

The dog monster didn't want to ask her skeletal friends, they've already done so much for her, taking her into their lovely home, cooking food, and now taking her out for a nice shopping day! It truelly warmed her soul how sweet they are to her... blueberry looks over and sees her looking at the bandana. Blueberry smiles ,"I CAN BUY THAT FOR YOU!" He said giving her a gracious smile, (y/n) quickly turns around their eyes meeting, "oh blue no it's fine I couldn't let you buy anything more for me,  you've already done so much!" She protested quickly, "OH NON SENSE IT'S FINE" blueberry said and darts to the store to buy her the bandana

"B-but-" (y/n) sighs in defeat as the small skeleton monster ran into the store before she can even say anything else, "eh Don't worry about it, blue is always the more generous one" orange said, (y/n) merely hummed in response, "I wish I can give them all gifts to show them my gratitude...." She thought. After 3 minutes blueberry ran out with another bag, "GOT IT!" He said. Chara couldn't help but giggle a little after finishing their milkshake, "ok ok let's go before blueberry spend anymore" they laugh.


Later they went home, placing down their bags in the living room for now, it just turned 12:00 pm. Blueberry smiles but then perks up seeing something from the corner of his eyelight, a black ink pool forming from the grown before shaping into his dear friend. He gasped and quickly runs out of the house, "INK! ITS DO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" He said happily, ink chuckled, "it's nice seeing you again too bud!" He said, (y/n) looks out of the window and sees the newcomer, did her eyes deceive her??? They both look the exact same! Ink perks up and sees her...she was certainly different, for as long as he's been exploring aus he's never seen her before...but why?...why does she feel so... familiar..

"Hey there!" Ink said giving her a way, "OH! THAT'S (Y/N)!! SHE'S MY NEW FRIEND THATS GONNA BE STAYING HERE! UNFORTUNATELY SHE'S SUFFERING A BIT FROM AMNESIA!!" He said. Ink heard what he said and under.. although he really took in her features...her soft (fur color) fur, her soft (eye color) eyes, her sweet smile, it can give anyone a slight rush of euphoria. (Y/n) smiles softly as she comes out of the cozy home to properly greet him, if he's a friend of blueberry, he must be good right? "Hi! I'm (y/n)!" She said happily. Ink gulps as he felt a slightly twinge in his chest where his soul used to reside, he smiles faintly, "I'm ink, nice to meet you..." He said



"tch...such ridiCULOUS positive feelings..." A male skeleton with black bones, a red scarf, a shirt and sandals that matched and black shorts and coat with yellow lacing, blue gradients and what looked like tears going down his face...

" A male skeleton with black bones, a red scarf, a shirt and sandals that matched and black shorts and coat with yellow lacing, blue gradients and what looked like tears going down his face

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He sat in a beanie chair knitting, it was the only thing that he ever makes... everything else he will gladly destroy... and whoever he's sensing the positivity from ...

He must destroy it...




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