chapter 2 (a new feeling)

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3rd pov

A skeleton was nibbling on his sketching pencil as he floats in a vast void. A yellow voice with a gentle white void, there were so many papers with strings attached to them, it was unknown where they were connected to in the first place. This place was known as the doodle sphere, a place full of different alternative universes with different outcomes, some that were good and pacifist, some overall normal and neutral. And some?...some were just downright horrifying...However all unique in their own special way, some inspired around others, one thing they all have income is that they're a alternate of the original, anyways, The skeleton was wearing a long brown scarf, a shirt with a long sleeve under it, shorts, leggings under it, shoes, a blue coat with a fluffy collar on it and he wore a sash with Vilas in different colors, he had a black smudge on his cheek and eyelights in different shapes and colors

However all unique in their own special way, some inspired around others, one thing they all have income is that they're a alternate of the original, anyways, The skeleton was wearing a long brown scarf, a shirt with a long sleeve under it, shorts...

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The skeleton was making doodles in his note books, he enjoyed doing that when he had nothing else to do, suddenly he stops as he...sense something... different, he hummed in response of this new feeling. New creativity? A new au? Who knows! This was surely exciting!! He'll have to take the time out to check it out, hopefully he won't forget!


The dog monster stares off into the darkness of the house as her mind was flooded with thoughts, (y/n)?.....that was her name right? Yeah! It sounded familiar at least, so that's a start! (Y/n) sighs softly as flops down on the couch staring up at the ceiling in silence. She felt herself grow tired her eyes fluttered back close and she drifted back into sleep...


"GOOD MORNING!!" Blueberry greets happily, (y/n) let out a bark in suprise as she falls off the couch but she didn't feel herself hit the ground, blueberry he caught her in time, blueberry sighs in relief, "S-SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO STARTLE YA MISS!" He chuckled nervously and places her back on the couch, (y/n) sighs softly in relief, "it's ok,and no need to calm me miss anymore! I think I finally Remembered my name! I think its (y/n)!" She said happily. Blueberry smiles gleefully, "WELL THEN, FOR NOW ON I SHALL NOW CALL YOU (Y/N)! I THINK IT SUITS YOU!" He said. "Thank you blue!" (Y/n) said, she felt her stomach growl, she was feeling quite hungry, "ILL START ON BREAKFAST!" He said and goes to the kitchen to get started, (y/n) hummed in response, cooking seems fun, she peeks her head into the kitchen seeing him getting the ingredients to start, she smiles and walks in, "hey blueberry, if you don't mind, may I help you?" She asked politely Hoping for a yes, blueberry looks over and his eyelights lit up happily, "THAT WOULD BE GREAT (Y/N)!" he replied and they get started. They washed their hands/paws and began to make pancakes together, (y/n) found out relaxing in a way, stirring up the batter, adding in chocolate chips into the mix, cooking the pancakes until their a gentle golden brown and they smelled absolutely delicious! "WOW (Y/N) THESE LOOK FANTASTIC! THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!" He said petting her head, (y/n) growls in satisfaction, she nuzzles up against his hand, blueberry's eyelights widen a bit...a faint color of blue arising on his cheek bones...he was silent...

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