Canto V

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Canto V

Thus I descended out of the first circle

  Down to the second, that less space begirds,

  And so much greater dole, that goads to wailing.

There standeth Minos horribly, and snarls;

  Examines the transgressions at the entrance;

  Judges, and sends according as he girds him.

I say, that when the spirit evil-born

  Cometh before him, wholly it confesses;

  And this discriminator of transgressions

Seeth what place in Hell is meet for it;

  Girds himself with his tail as many times

  As grades he wishes it should be thrust down.

Always before him many of them stand;

  They go by turns each one unto the judgment;

  They speak, and hear, and then are downward hurled.

"O thou, that to this dolorous hostelry

  Comest," said Minos to me, when he saw me,

  Leaving the practice of so great an office,

"Look how thou enterest, and in whom thou trustest;

  Let not the portal's amplitude deceive thee."

  And unto him my Guide: "Why criest thou too?

Do not impede his journey fate-ordained;

  It is so willed there where is power to do

  That which is willed; and ask no further question."

And now begin the dolesome notes to grow

  Audible unto me; now am I come

  There where much lamentation strikes upon me.

I came into a place mute of all light,

  Which bellows as the sea does in a tempest,

  If by opposing winds 't is combated.

The infernal hurricane that never rests

  Hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine;

  Whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them.

When they arrive before the precipice,

  There are the shrieks, the plaints, and the laments,

  There they blaspheme the puissance divine.

I understood that unto such a torment

  The carnal malefactors were condemned,

  Who reason subjugate to appetite.

And as the wings of starlings bear them on

  In the cold season in large band and full,

  So doth that blast the spirits maledict;

It hither, thither, downward, upward, drives them;

  No hope doth comfort them for evermore,

  Not of repose, but even of lesser pain.

And as the cranes go chanting forth their lays,

  Making in air a long line of themselves,

  So saw I coming, uttering lamentations,

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