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"'Vexilla Regis prodeunt Inferni'

  Towards us; therefore look in front of thee,"

  My Master said, "if thou discernest him."

As, when there breathes a heavy fog, or when

  Our hemisphere is darkening into night,

  Appears far off a mill the wind is turning,

Methought that such a building then I saw;

  And, for the wind, I drew myself behind

  My Guide, because there was no other shelter.

Now was I, and with fear in verse I put it,

  There where the shades were wholly covered up,

  And glimmered through like unto straws in glass.

Some prone are lying, others stand erect,

  This with the head, and that one with the soles;

  Another, bow-like, face to feet inverts.

When in advance so far we had proceeded,

  That it my Master pleased to show to me

  The creature who once had the beauteous semblance,

He from before me moved and made me stop,

  Saying: "Behold Dis, and behold the place

  Where thou with fortitude must arm thyself."

How frozen I became and powerless then,

  Ask it not, Reader, for I write it not,

  Because all language would be insufficient.

I did not die, and I alive remained not;

  Think for thyself now, hast thou aught of wit,

  What I became, being of both deprived.

The Emperor of the kingdom dolorous

  From his mid-breast forth issued from the ice;

  And better with a giant I compare

Than do the giants with those arms of his;

  Consider now how great must be that whole,

  Which unto such a part conforms itself.

Were he as fair once, as he now is foul,

  And lifted up his brow against his Maker,

  Well may proceed from him all tribulation.

O, what a marvel it appeared to me,

  When I beheld three faces on his head!

  The one in front, and that vermilion was;

Two were the others, that were joined with this

  Above the middle part of either shoulder,

  And they were joined together at the crest;

And the right-hand one seemed 'twixt white and yellow;

  The left was such to look upon as those

  Who come from where the Nile falls valley-ward.

Underneath each came forth two mighty wings,

  Such as befitting were so great a bird;

  Sails of the sea I never saw so large.

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