Chapter Twelve: Dreams

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Staying up during the night and sleeping during the day for the past five days has seriously taken a toll on Richter's mind and body. The words from the books blur in his eyesight and he blinks, rubbing his eyes.

Having sensed Richter's exhaustion since their bond is only getting stronger, Olrox appears at the end of the aisle towards Belmont without even making a sound.
"What's wrong, Richter?" he asks with clear concern in his voice.
"Nothing's wrong," Richter almost slurs, tongue feeling like lead in his mouth.

"You've been acting strange these last few days," the Aztec notes, walking forward. "Talk to me," he urges, grabbing Richter's hand. "Please."
Belmont shakes his head, too tired and stressed to answer, let alone think.
"I'm just tired," he mutters, his stubbornness coming out more from the strain on his mind. He doubts he'll ever see Tera, Annette, and Maria again. Part of him still feels horrible lying to Edouard about going back to make the singer feel better.

Just another thing he said without thinking of the consequences, as always. He feels a headache coming on. He seriously needs to sleep, just to stop thinking for a moment. He scowls, pulling his hand away from Olrox's more out of desperation than anger. Why is he angry? At himself? At the sudden changes ever since he ran off?

He starts to walk past the vampire, only for Olrox to get in front of him, blocking his only exit out of the aisle. The other way only leads to a brick wall. Olrox looks at him, brows knit together in worry and concern.
"Move aside," Richter says, irritated.
"No," Olrox says simply.
Belmont steps to the side, only for Olrox to follow a beat faster.

Growling, Richter continues their little counteractive dance and shoves past the Aztec. Without missing a beat, Olrox grabs Richter's wrist and spins him around, sending him tumbling back into the dead end of the aisle and pinned against a bookshelf. The wooden shelves dig uncomfortably into Richter's back, the wood groaning from the force.

Olrox doesn't have Richter pinned painfully, just enough to get Belmont's attention and stop him from moving. Richter's arms are pinned at his sides, limiting his movement even if he wasn't running on fumes at this point.
"What?" he almost snaps.
"Your eyes are bloodshot and your heart is racing," Olrox states firmly, almost looking like he wants to shake the hunter. "You are clearly stressed from whatever happened between us leaving France and arriving in Romania. What's wrong, my love?"

Richter sighs through his nose and his tense shoulders droop. He knows Olrox won't let him go until he admits his feelings.
He glances at the opening to the aisle to make sure Edouard doesn't overhear.
"We're not going back to France anytime soon, are we?" he asks softly.
Olrox sighs and shakes his head no. Going back now would be suicide, both him and Richter know that all too well.

"Are we ever going back at all?" he murmurs.
Olrox remains quiet, not sure how to honestly answer.
"I don't know," he finally admits softly. He lets Richter go, smoothing down his wrinkled sleeves.
"Get some sleep," the vampire murmurs, turning to walk back into the open.
"Olrox," Richter blurts out suddenly.
"Hm?" He turns his head slightly to look back, stopping in his tracks.
"When Edouard and I wake up later on, tell us your life story. I want to know more about you."

The Aztec looks a little surprised at this, turning completely to face Richter again.
"If that is what you wish," he says with a small smile, then exits the aisle.
Richter walks out a moment later and sets up his makeshift bed on the main floor. Laying down, he looks up at the many blue lights going up each floor of the Hold, like patterned blue stars.

"Leon, guide me, please," he whispers as he nods off. It's such a simple plea (or prayer, Richter can't decide which. He's desperate for any kind of help). He's never felt so lonely at being the last Belmont before this. But seeing Leon's picture just reminded Richter of how small he seems in comparison.
Belmont was never a person that dreamed much. If anything, most of his nights were filled with night terrors regarding Olrox and his mother. Those have thankfully stopped. So when he "wakes up" in a moonlit grassy field surrounded by many stars in the sky, he knows this is different.

He looks up at the full moon and stars with clear wonder, like a child who just discovered the importance of them. Despite his fears, his anxiety, the doubts, they don't affect him here. Wherever here is. He looks around in all directions, only seeing grassy hills, no towns in sight.

"You called for me?"
Richter jumps a little, the voice behind him unfamiliar. This new voice sounds vaguely feminine. He turns to see Leon standing there, looking as oddly beautiful as portrayed in his painting. Richter blinks, hardly believing his eyes.
"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" He whispers more to himself.
"You called for my guidance, so I answered," Leon explains with a small smile.

He notices that Leon isn't wearing the blue and white knight outfit from the painting. His ancestor is wearing something entirely different. His is red, white, and black, the same style of pants and an overcoat with long tailcoats trailing behind him.
"But yes, you are dreaming," he murmurs, then motions to the grass beside Richter. "May I sit?"
"Of course," he sounds like a small child speaking to their more experienced father.

Leon sits next to him, somehow looking no older than his early twenties despite the many years between them in the family tree. Seems like Olrox was right, they really do have the same eye color.
"What is troubling you, sweet boy?" Leon asks, looking at him with the gaze of a concerned father.

Richter feels a lump in his throat and he vents out just about everything: his loneliness, fear of letting his mother down by falling in love with Olrox, lying to Edouard, wary about ever going back to France, running off from his friends in the dungeons. He's hyperventilating at the end of it, knees hugged up to his chest and openly sobbing.

He feels Leon gently hug him from the side.
"My sweet boy," his ancestor croons, looking sad himself as he tilts Richter's head up. "You will always have me to talk to while you sleep, do you understand?"
Sniffing, Richter nods. He lets out a shaky breath and wipes his eyes.
"Remember this, you aren't the only Belmont who has been frightened and alone," he assures Richter with a kiss to the forehead.

Richter notices the sky is beginning to lighten and Leon casts him a sad smile.
"It's time for you to wake up."
"No!" Richter pleads like a frightened child, grabbing Leon's wrist. "Not yet, please. I want to talk to you more."
"And you will," his ancestor assures him. "I'll be waiting for you when you fall asleep again."
Leon kisses his cheek and lets go of Richter, walking off towards the rising sun.
With a gasp, Richter bolts upright, sweating a little. The air feels muskier down in the Hold. He looks over to see Olrox and Edouard are still asleep. It must be daytime, then. Seems like Richter slept longer than intended.
Quietly, he gets to his feet, noticing his headache and stress is gone.

He needs to get some fresh air and find some more food. Surviving off of nothing but apples, dried strips of meat, and water can only give him energy to do so much. He secures the whip at his waist just in case, then quickly writes a note down for Olrox and Edouard telling them he'll be in the market.
By the time he makes it up the stairs to get above ground, he realizes he never got the chance to ask Leon who Mathias is.

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