Night Of Relaxation

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The concept of indoor plumbing is still something that confuses Olrox, much to the amusement of Richter. Being able to take a shower or a bath whenever and have unlimited hot water seemed like an unbelievable concept. It took a while to install the indoor plumbing, mainly with Richter asking the natives of Teotihuacan for help.

He can hear the muffled noise of the television in the main room even from inside the shower as he turns the water off. Richter can tell Olrox's mind is still blown trying to comprehend how television works. He smiles to himself and gets dressed, glancing at his reflection in the mirror.

Since the newer mirrors don't have lead behind the glass anymore, he can see himself clearly. He brushes his hair back as best as he can. Richter cut it short a few days ago. It feels odd having it cut after so many years, but Olrox says he loves either look the same.

Drying his hair with the towel, he exits the bathroom and goes down the hall where Olrox resides. Now that it's modern day, the inside of the pyramid looks less like an ancient site and more like a modern home. The walls and images carved into them are the same, but everything else is new.

Olrox is on the couch, aimlessly flipping through the 1,000+ channels they have at their disposal. A silver snake shaped ring is coiled around the Aztecs' finger on his left hand. Olrox almost never takes it off. Richter still wears the golden Belmont crest ring the Aztec proposed with even now.

Richter smiles and rests his chin on top of Olrox's head playfully.
"What are you watching?" he asks.
Olrox laughs and tilts his head up, gently pecking Richter's lips.
"It's not another telenovela, is it?" Belmont teases.
"No, not tonight," the Aztec smiles. "Come here."

Belmont grins and walks over to join Olrox on the couch. They kiss once Richter sits down.
"How about we relax tonight, hm?" Olrox hums against Richter's lips.
The younger vampire nods and smiles.

"That sounds good," he agrees, leaning against Olrox. The Aztec feels Richter playing with his long hair and he holds back the urge to laugh.
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"Trying to braid your hair," Richter answers. "You know how hard it is braiding hair with these?" He holds up his clawed fingers for emphasis with a playful glint in his yellow eyes.

Olrox rolls his eyes and kisses Richter's fingers.
"Never change with your playfulness, husband," he says softly to Belmont.
"I'll do my best," he responds back in kind.
The younger vampire smiles.
"Come, dance with me," he says.

The Aztec fakes a surprised look.
"Dance? With you?" he echoes.
"Do you not know how to?" Richter asks with a tilted head, trying to hide his smile.
"Does moving my body around to make my whip move count?" Olrox grins.

Richter laughs, enjoying that Olrox understood that they switched roles from so long ago.
Belmont looks amused as he goes over to the vinyl record player they bought years ago. Both of them have collected just about every record known to man.

"What do you feel like listening to?" the younger vampire asks.
Olrox grins. "Something slow, romantic, for a change of pace."
Richter nearly fumbles with the vinyls in his hands.
"You're serious?" he turns to look back, pupils almost completely circular like a cat.

The Aztec laughs and nods. "Pick whatever you like."
Belmont smiles back and finds the record he's looking for.
He gently puts the vinyl on the player and moves the needle to the grooves on the black surface.
Olrox listens for a moment and smiles when he recognizes the lyrics.
"Lamento della Ninfa, excellent choice."
"Edouard's song," Richter murmurs with a sad smile. He still misses the opera singer, even now.

They get into position, they've done this many times before. Olrox gently places his hand on Richter's lower back, Belmont puts his hand on the Aztecs' shoulder.
Both men dance slowly, they have had more than enough time to practice.
Richter rests his head on Olrox's shoulder.

They're quiet for a moment, swaying back and forth as the lyrics in Italian continue.
"Echo de menos a Edouard," Richter murmurs.
(I miss Edouard.)
Olrox kisses his cheek.
"Yo también le echo de menos," the Aztec whispers back.
(I miss him too.)

"Parece que lo hemos buscado por todas partes a lo largo de los siglos, pero..." Belmont trails off.
(It seems like we've looked everywhere for him over the centuries, but...)

"No hemos mirado en la bodega Belmont desde la pelea con Bàthory. Podemos mirar allí. Vale la pena intentarlo. Pero has dicho que has sido cauteloso con tu apariencia," Olrox sighs.
(We haven't looked in the Belmont Hold ever since the fight with Bàthory. We can look there. It's worth a try. But you've said you have been wary about your appearance.)

Richter smiles.
"That only makes this surprise a whole lot better," he says, looking giddy like a child. Olrox raises an eyebrow out of curiosity.
"What is it?" The Aztec asks.
Belmont focuses and changes his appearance back to what he looked like before, same peach colored skin and blue eyes with white sclera. Olrox's eyes widen.

"When did...?" Olrox trails off, speechless with tears in his eyes.
"You don't become the Avatar for the Aztec God of Sorcery without him teaching you a few tricks," Richter laughs softly.
He makes an alarmed noise when Olrox pulls him into a nearly bone crushing hug, then pulls away enough to pepper kisses to Richter's face.

Belmont laughs, getting a chance to breathe when Olrox rests his forehead against his own.
"I've missed seeing your blue eyes," Olrox murmurs.
"Me too," he whispers back, relaxing.

Little Boy Belmont (Richter x Olrox)Where stories live. Discover now