Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ant asks.

"For the last time, yes." I say as I sling my rucksack over my shoulder. "I have to do this or live my whole life in solitude." I don't give Ant any time to respond before I slam my shields back up.

Stepping out of the alley I was hidden in, I walk towards the crowd. I get in line for the rider's quadrant behind a man with blonde hair. He looks like he's an 'all brawn and no brain' kind of guy. He is one to look out for.

As the line moves forward and the bell rings, signaling that everyone has to finish their goodbyes, I take note of who I can. There is a brawny blonde three people in front of me who looks like his life has been all cupcakes and rainbows. Behind him is a stunning woman with high cheekbones and an oval face. Her dark hair is braided and pulled up, leaving a few strands to frame her face. Behind her is a girl with a braided crown much like mine, though her hair seems to fade from brown to a shiny silver color.

When the girl steps up to record her name there are many reactions. People start mumbling and whispering about Mira Sorrengail and how they didn't know she had a sister.

That is until the guy in front of me makes his own comment. "If she survives the parapet. Wind might just blow her off." He remarks.

I bite back my own remark about how the guy looks like he doesn't even know what a dragon is.

The girl in front of him proceeds to say goodbye to who I assume is her sister before starting the trek up the tower.

"What a dick." Someone says from behind me, making me jump about a foot into the air.

I spin around to find another muscular blonde looking at me. He smiles at me, his blue eyes crinkling and I manage to make out two dimples on his cheeks.

"Hello. I'm Liam." He says, extending a hand with a black relic that curls around his wrist and goes up under his shirt.

He must see me staring because he loses his smile and awkwardly pulls his hand back, tucking it behind his back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I'm Akira. It's nice to meet you, Liam." I say with a small smile.

His face brightens at my words.

"Next." A man sitting at the roll keeper's table calls. I walk up to the table. "Name?"

"Akira Caym." I say.

"Next." He says, not even bothering to look at me.

I step into the tower, giving myself a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Looking above me I see people climbing the stairs that spiral up the tower.

"Don't worry. It's easier than it looks. My brother climbed them three years ago and said that it's one of the easiest things we have to do while we're here." Liam says from behind me.

I turn around to see him looking up like I was. When he brings his gaze back to me he offers a soft smile. "We should get going."

I start up the stairs with Liam not far behind me. "So, why'd you choose the rider's quadrant?" Liam asks.

I sigh. "I don't know. I just want to be remembered for something. The healers are always sick because of the patients. The scribes are inhaling dust all day and with my allergies I'd be dead before even stepping foot into the libraries. So that just leaves me with infantry and riders. I figured if I'm going to war I might as well be riding a dragon while doing it. What about you?" I risk a glance back at him and see him flinch. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I add.

"No, no. It's fine. It is a requirement for the children of the rebellion to enter the rider's quadrant." Silence follows his answer, the sound of boots on stone being the only noise for the time.

The Lost Child ~ [Xaden Riorson]Where stories live. Discover now