Just a dream...?

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"Y/n... Y/n! Doctor, shes awake!" "where am i" Is the only thought you could think. "Fanto? Where... are we..?" You opened your eyes slowly, Only to find yourself in a hospital surrounded by friends. "Thank goodness your awake... We found you out in the forest unconcious, There was also this hat?" She held up the hat Fantoccio gave you, It couldnt have been a dream, right?

As you sat up you couldnt help but wonder "What happened? Why am i back? What did fantoccio do?" Questions rushed through your head, but not an answer could be found... A few days later, you recovered and went out to search for him. You told your family you were going to search for someone and they agreed with it. You headed to where you thought the theatre was, but nothing...

You were lost, again. After a while of walking, around 3 hours, you did it. You had come across the theatre, You barged in through the doors and searched the theatre. Not too long later, you found Fantoccio sitting in his room. As always, he was going through scripts. "hey, Fanto-" An embrace was immediate, he was hugging you as tight as he could. He has a pretty strong grip for a puppet!

"Im sorry, Y/n... i had to for your sake, You cant stay here forever." Said Fantoccio. "But i could, If i really wanted to." You gave a smile and wink to Fantoccio, How cute~ "This time i brought more food, And fun games we can play! we can stay together, alright, Fanto?" He looked up at you, clearly with a look of shame in his eyes. "but you cant, You cant just be trapped in here forever, I just cant do that to you..."

"You know fanto, i thought all of this was a dream. And if it really was, it'd have to be the best dream ive ever had, Because i was with you during it. And i dont ever want that dream to end, got it?" You held his hands and looked at him with a sincere look, You never had developed feelings for anyone before, and it started with a... puppet?! Was this finally the moment? the time you had dreamed? 

You stared into each others eyes, you, being the hopeless romantic you are, Leaned in closer. "Why am i doing this? I CANT STOP MYSELF?!?! Maybe this is what i truly wanted..." Moments later, It happened. What you had been wishing for at the start of your Romantic career, Your first kiss. It was quick, but unforgettable, You quickly backed away. You were redder than a DAMN TOMATO, you somewhat felt emarrased but proud at the same time.

It was almost 10:30PM, you were tired from walking around all day, so you left the theatre and promised to come back the next day. You arrived home and your family was exhilarated for your return, You had a quick meal and headed to bed. "goodnight, Fanto..."

Im back! sorry for the long wait, i made this episode extra long as an apology for not updating sooner. Thanks for yourcontinued support! Love y'all <3

A Fantoccio x Reader Story [Fan-Fic]Where stories live. Discover now