Knowing the truth

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Damon's POV

It's been four days since Zoe's been gone, does she need to train with the Mikaelson's? Why not with us?

Anyway, I'm getting extremely worried, along with the others, Elena had been trying to call her multiple of times.

I wonder where she went.


Zoe's POV

Two days before...

I wake up to the sound of voices, my head starts to throb as I attempt to sit up, sensing their heads to shoot my direction.

I open my eyes slowly, my eye adjusting to the light surrounding me.

"Right on time." Klaus says, I look around to see me laid in a huge room where the covers are perfectly wrapped around me.

"What are you going on about?" I asked, confusion filling up inside my body.

Rebekah smiles at me, along with Hayley and Elijah.

"It's time you know the truth." Rebekah claims, my face scrunching up in a confused way.

What are they talking about?


I'm sat at an arm chair, tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for them to start their explaining.

"You're our younger sister, along with Elena." Rebekah sighs out making me utterly confused.

"How come I never knew this?" I sternly ask.

"Well I was the only person who knew since I eavesdropped and sneaked a few peeks back in those days when I was six. I heard my mum was pregnant with two girls and that she didn't want these children, so then mother did a spell and made it so the next doppelgänger of Amara would give birth to the twins, but somehow it dodged Katherine and went to Isobel." Rebekah explained as Klaus, Elijah and Hayley watched and listened.

"How do you know it was us?" I question.

"Isobel only gave birth to two babies, both identical to each other." Klaus cuts in.

"This can't be true." I say shaking my head in disbelief.

"We're sorry to tell you this," Elijah begins "but you're a Mikaelson."


Elena's POV

Current day...

I'm worried sick about Zoe, she's been gone for a long time, that's not until my phone starts to ring, Zoe's caller ID printed at the top, making my finger press 'answer'.

"Hello!" I scream out with joy, Damon sensing it was Zoe, him zooming into the room and stealing the phone.

"Zoe!" He screams out in excitement.

"Hey Damon." I could hear Zoe's voice tremble with nervousness.

"Are you okay?" Damon asks concerned.

"Elena needs to come to me now." Hearing Zoe ignore Damon's question.

"Where are you?" Damon blandly asks.

Zoe said out the place she's at, and with no hesitation I was there in a split second, leaving Damon behind, along with the others.

"Zoe!" I shout after I forcefully open the door, looking around to see no one, faint voices could be heard upstairs, all I could do now is follow those faint voices heard.

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