Chapter 22: Moonlit Mischief

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As the moon continued to cast its gentle glow upon the meadow, Pikachu and Raboot maintained their watchful stance, unaware of the unfolding comedy in the shadows. Meanwhile, Meowth, the mischievous member of Team Rocket, had found himself a peculiar form of entertainment.

In a secluded corner of the meadow, Meowth had discovered small, handmade dolls resembling Ash and Goh. Chuckling to himself, he held the two dolls in his paws and began to play out a whimsical scene.

"Oh, Ash, I love you, mwah, mwah," Meowth giggled, making the miniature Ash and Goh dolls kiss in his makeshift romance drama.

Unbeknownst to Meowth, his comedic play had attracted the attention of James, his fellow Team Rocket member, who happened to be passing by. Intrigued by the peculiar sight, James approached with a sly grin, enjoying the rare opportunity to catch Meowth off guard.

As Meowth continued his doll-inspired love story, James couldn't contain his amusement. With a sudden burst of energy, he leaped out from behind a bush, startling Meowth into dropping the dolls.

"Meowth, what do we have here?" James exclaimed, feigning surprise. "Is this your secret passion project?"

Meowth's eyes widened in embarrassment as he tried to salvage his dignity. "W-What? No! I was just—uh, practicing my ventriloquism! Yeah, that's it!"

James smirked, picking up the fallen dolls. "Ventriloquism, huh? I didn't know you were so skilled in the art of puppetry. But it seems you've got a knack for creating love stories too."

Meowth, now thoroughly flustered, swiped the dolls back from James. "Hey, it ain't what it looks like! I was just goofin' around!"

James chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Goofin' around, you say? Well, keep your dramatic escapades to yourself, Meowth. We wouldn't want anyone thinking Team Rocket has a soft spot for romance."

As James walked away, still snickering at Meowth's expense, the mischievous feline muttered to himself, "Stupid James, always ruinin' my fun." He glanced at the dolls in his paws, shaking his head with a grin. "But, oh, Ash and Goh, they make such a cute couple, don't they?"

And so, beneath the moonlit sky, the comedic interlude added another layer of charm to the meadow, where friendships deepened, unexpected connections flourished, and even Team Rocket couldn't resist the allure of the night's enchantment.

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