Chapter 26: The Plot Unveils

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Pikachu and Raboot exchanged determined glances, silently acknowledging that they needed to inform Ash about Alex's true allegiance. The two Pokémon darted across the gym, urgency in their movements, until they reached Ash, who was deep in thought, his eyes obscured by shadows.

"Pikachu! Raboot!" Ash looked up, sensing the urgency in his Pokémon's expression," What happened?!

The two Pokémons chirped their names in a panicked warning. Ash put two in two together as a dark veil of shadows covered his eyes, that burned with anger and revolt.

"I knew it," Ash growled, a fierce resolve burning in his eyes. "This has to be a part of Team Rocket's dirty tricks. I'm not letting Alex take Goh without a fight."

Meowth, overhearing the conversation, couldn't contain his delight, and waved his makeshift flag, once more. "Yeah! Give that prissy Kyle a reason to cry to his parents!"

Pikachu and Raboot exchanged exasperated glances, their eyes expressing a mix of irritation and resignation. Pikachu sighed, "Pika," and Raboot followed suit with a nonchalant, "Raboot."

Meowth, oblivious to the warning signs, continued to cheer enthusiastically. "Go get 'im, Ash! Show 'im what you're made of!"

As Ash prepared to confront Alex, Pikachu and Raboot exchanged another glance, their eyes communicating a shared sentiment of concern. They knew that Ash's determination to protect his friends sometimes led to impulsive decisions, and the situation with Kyle was no exception.

The trio rushed towards the area where Kyle had disappeared, the tension in the air palpable. Pikachu, eager to warn Ash about potential dangers, chirped, "Pika!"

Raboot, equally anxious, added, "Raboot!"

Meowth, still riding the wave of excitement, continued to encourage Ash with fervor. "Don't let Kyle get away with his sneaky plans, Ash!"

As they approached the shadowy corner where Kyle had vanished, Pikachu and Raboot shared another concerned look. The warning signs were clear, but Meowth remained blissfully unaware, caught up in the thrill of the impending showdown.

Ash, fueled by a mixture of determination and suspicion, clenched his fists. "Let's go, Pikachu, Raboot. It's time to set things right."

The meadow echoed with the sound of determined footsteps, leaving Meowth trailing behind, his enthusiasm undiminished. Little did he know that the impending confrontation would reveal more than just Team Rocket's schemes, and the shadows that loomed over Ash's eyes hinted at a storm of emotions ready to unfold.

And so, beneath the afternoon sun, the stage was set for a clash of wills, friendships tested, and unexpected revelations that would shape the course of the trainers' journey. The meadow, once a haven of peace, now brimmed with the energy of impending conflict, echoing the untold stories that awaited in the shadows of the Pokémon world.

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