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When that cloud was put in their heads, a laugh escaped them, from where? It didn't matter in the end

They were in front of the day, bright and late in the day, eyes darted around wondering what was the news he whispered so much in the back, they probably weren't words they could decipher by themselves anyway.

Though, they felt heavy and cleaning would do it, maintenance is necessary, it told them some time they couldn't exactly recall, so that was what they did.

Big people were talkin above him, words of calm and encouragement no barely higher than were they stand when he is around, but nice nonetheless, so they appreciated what they suggested.

Is not like they needed food, but that was for when they were with it, on the front the Biggie's said they needed it, so very simple snack recipe done and eaten it got. Stone polished and minor tasks meet, they aren't really able to conjure thoughtful stuff in their home while been outside it, so suggestion were taken for those above.

Hands down, phone taken, watching and reading simple stuff makes their hearth and skin really happy, they think they're happy, such a calming cloud to come and get them so far away of home, to catch up with whats left.

They didn't realize those from up there watching them, thoughtful of what it meant they were outside even if it meant nothing in the end, it was important to note this.

So voices smoothly lowered in order to simply watch over them, that if his and her smile were combined is very likely it would bleep to them to keep it to themselves.

Maybe it was their happiness that was affecting the head too, because things felt far away, so far and long gone the time didn't mattered to them.

Until sleep reclaimed them.


Remembering they day before yesterday after sweeping my house

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