Part 10

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Louis mind was messing with him for the next few days.

He couldn't get that little minx out of his head.

Every thing reminded him of Harry. A green jolly rancher, a green mug, grass, etc. etc.

Today was the teams first away game of the season, the whole school was talking about it. Volleyball here was like football in America.

Louis was already packed for the two day trip, not like he needed to pack much, just a pair of sweats and a hoodie with a change of boxers.

He was currently stood next to a big school bus that the school lent for them to be able to drive to the town the game was in.

He had a clipboard in hand and was greeting his team as they came to check their names and get on the bus.

Annoyingly he was only waiting on three more students.

Consisting of Harry, who was one of the people he specifically reminded not to be late.

He huffed, pulled out a cigarette and lighter to smoke and checked off another one of the student who had just arrived.

A few minutes later the screeching of tires could be heard.

Louis head turns to see who could possibly be driving like that on school grounds.

Except what he didn't expect was a head of curly hair anxiously running towards the bus. It was Harry who was in the car with lord knows who driving.

"Your late" Louis says looking down at Harry who was panting to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry coach my ride was late" he says looking at Louis wide eyed.

He looked back to the car that was still stood, possibly waiting for Harry to get in the bus?

A red haired male with piercings and tattoos.

Immediately he clenched the pen and clipboard that was in his hand.

"Last time styles understood?" Louis says narrowing my eyes at Harry.

Harry gives a fast nod of understanding and runs up the stairs of the small bus.

The bus wasn't those big yellow school busses, it was a small one that fit 20 people minimum and was only used for trips.

Louis stomped on his cigarette and followed the curly head up the stairs.

He saw Harry take the last seat up front.

His eyes did a quick head count of the team and he gave the driver a nod.

He walked up to the seat Harry had just took. It was a two seater except Harry's bag was occupying the second seat.

"You should move back and sit with the rest of your team" he says to the younger.

"Umm, I'm better up here, I get car sick really easily" he says frowning a bit.

"Then can I take the second seat or does you bag need to sit?" His brows raise in question.

"Oh, Umm sorry" harry says quickly grabbing his bag and putting it by his feat.

Louis let's out a groan as he sits. After being stood
for an hour it's good to relax.

Harry on the other hand blushes at the sound the older boy makes.

Louis turns his head to look at Harry and clears his throat.

"So your a boy right? Or are you like trans or whatever" he asks trying to make conversation.

Harry's eyes widen at the question not expecting his coach to ask him that.

"Oh shit that's inappropriate right? I apologize" Louis say's quickly correcting himself.

"No it's not that I just was caught off guard" Harry says laughing a little uncomfortably.

"But um, I guess I'm a boy, or wait, umm I just like to look like a girl, like my appearance, but I am a boy I get called a girl sometimes and it's nice but I don't know really, still figuring it out" Harry says stuttering half the words out.

Louis nods his head as harry speaks to let him know he's listening.

"Ok well whenever you want to be a girl just tell me I'll treat you like one" Louis says smirking a bit.

Harry giggles a bit at what Louis says, usually Louis has all the boys hold the equipment while the girls relax, he also makes the boys hand out water to the girls before they get to drink.

"What a gentleman" Harry says rolling his eyes.

"I'm serious though, if you one day want to be a girl and the next day you want to be a boy tell me, I want to know" Louis says looking into the boys eyes.

"Okay" Harry says nodding his head with a smile. "It's called gender fluid by the way"

"Hmm?" Louis questions.

"Like when I want to be a boy one day and a girl the next, it's called being gender fluid"

Louis doesn't say anything after that just nods his head and looks up front to start a conversation with the driver, something about football?

Harry leans back in his seat and plugs in his earbuds.

As Louis and the driver get into a much heated conversation Harry is sitting in his seat quite content with the music he's listening to and Louis by his side.

That is until the bus swerves hard and Harry's phone goes flying all the way down to Louis feat.

The driver apologizes to the team and Louis and him decide to leave the conversation at that.

Harry frowns at the spot his phone landed in, how would he get it. The only way to get it would be leaning against Louis lap. And although he doesn't exactly hate the idea he doesn't want to make the rest of the bus ride awkward.

He taps Louis shoulder to get his attention and the older man immediately looks at the boy.

"My phone fell" Harry says simply while pointing to the spot in between Louis feet on the floor.

Louis looks down at the phone.

He looks at Harry for a second then smirks. He widens his legs leaving a gap in the middle for harry to grab his phone through.

"Go on then, grab your phone" he says.

The younger boys jaw almost dropped.

His face flushed and he looks at the older man with blushing cheeks.

Harry slowly places his hand on Louis thigh and leans onto his lap, his hands are in between the older man's legs and he's reaching out for his phone.

A hand wraps around the boys waist and his breathing stops for a moment, but he continues reaching for his phone.

The rough finger start to lightly scratch at the young boys waist and Harry immediately bites his lip to prevent any sounds from coming out his mouth.

He gulps and sighs as his fingers finally find the phone he was looking for.

He sits back up in his seat and gives Louis a small smile waving his phone to show he got it.

Louis gives him a nod and focuses on the game he was previously watching on his phone.

Except the only thing Harry could focus on was the rough hand that never left his waist.

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