Part 12

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Later the next morning the team woke up and spent a hectic hour getting ready, Louis and another staff member woke up early to knock on everyone's door to wake them up

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Later the next morning the team woke up and spent a hectic hour getting ready, Louis and another staff member woke up early to knock on everyone's door to wake them up.

The team woke up groaning and moaning about how early it was.   

Harry was in his room putting lotion on his legs and arms while the other two girls were running around trying to do there hair and makeup.

Harry had also woke early and tried to wake them up but it was harder then it looked.

Harry had on the girl uniform which consisted of a long sleeves tee shirt and tight black shorts, he didn't want to wear the boys uniform because it had loose shorts and he hated loose shorts.

"Ughhh I can't find my socks, I swear I packed them" daisy yelled out getting frustrated.

Harry looked up at her and giggled a little, he was happy he woke up early.

"You can borrow one of mine daisy" he says getting up to give her one from his bag.

"Harry your a life saver" she says and kisses his forehead, it seemed to be her thing as yesterday she kissed everyone in the room goodnight.

I was also glad she didn't feel uncomfortable sharing a bed with me.

A knock on the door startled all three of us.

"come on everybody out, we're heading to the stadium" we bearded a voice shout as they pounded on more doors.

Harry and the girls quickly rushed out the room, locking hands and giggling as they made there way down to the lobby.

when they got on the bus Harry sat with daisy and Lola, but a part of him wanted to sit with his coach who he hadn't seen yet.


The stadium was huge, bigger than one he has ever been in, Harry thought.

The boys ran around the field acting crazy while the girls posed for pictures in the huge stadium.

Harry stood to the side observing, until a hand grabbed his shoulder causing him to jump a bit frightened.

He turned to see Louis, giving him a look up and down.

"Morning" the coach says with a smile.

"Good Morning" Harry says back blushing, it was certainly a good morning after he'd seen Louis, the older man looked amazing.

Louis gave him a smile and screamed at the team to gather around.

"People are going to start coming in a bit, now this is the biggest game we've played so I don't want anyone to feel intimidated" he says.

"Coach i got this" one of the boys says confidently.

"Yes I'm sure you've got this" Louis says rolling his eyes.

The team laughs at the boy's embarrassment.

"We all know our positions?" He asked questioning us.

A few yes and yeahs were heard.

"Front and center" James said proudly smiling.

Louis looked at him and laughed making James smile fall a little.

"No James you sat on the bench today" he says still laughing a bit.

Everyone's jaw drops in shock and confusion.

"What?!?!?" James yells out.

"I've decided Harry's going to play front and center"

"Thats not fair I've been on the team longer" James says angry at this situation.

"You've been here longer yet your still not as good as Harry, end of discussion, this is punishment for how you acted yesterday" Louis says.


"end of discussion" Louis says making James shut up and stand there with a red face.

"end of discussion" Louis says making James shut up and stand there with a red face

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(Harry's outfit)

Guys i might give up on this, and also English isn't my first language so ignore the bad writing I try my best😭

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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