Prolgue pt 2

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"From what I've discovered, there's numerous blocked off bridges on the central island"

Then you suddenly remembered what a certain rabbit had told you.

" well those are there so no one gets Lost, at least that's what that rabbit had told me.." you said in a low tone trying not to attract much attention. "So we don't get lost...? Is this island really so big?" The ultimate swordswoman questioned, as you nodded instead of just saying it.

The conversation continued until usami had appeared out of nowhere, and you felt a pair of eyes watching your every move and breath. But you chose to ignore it, thinking you were just being delusional. But little did you know there was a certain luckster that was keeping his beautiful pale-green eyes on you.


You had decided to listen back in, and at the right time too, " HEY Y/N" ibuki had called out to you, running over to you handing you a swimming bag with your swimsuit in it, "here! Everyone else is swimming, you might as well do so too!" Ibuki tried to convince you, "hm...i guess so..I mean what will happen?" Your said as your playfully shrugged and followed ibuki to the changing rooms.

That was your third, and final mistake.

Everyone had already went to the beach and were swimming, making sand castles, and doing whatever else.
As you ran with ibuki to the beach you suddenly tripped and fell on someone unexpected, "o-oww...i-im so so sorry, um.."

"Nagito. My name is nagito. And it's so ok, you aren't to blame, it's my fault for trash like me to have gotten in your way. I should just..." he said as he slowly helped you up, "n-no you aren't trash, it really is my fault! I wasn't looking where i was going. A-and thank you for helping me up nagito..." as you stood up you looked away from nagito, but he didn't.

He just looked you up and down, but you didn't notice it, "u-um im gonna go and swim with ibuki" you waved to nagito before going to splash with ibuki. But before you could even get to ibuki the sky suddenly become dark and gloomy.

And then the monitors all started to show...another plushie?!

"Ahem! Ahem! Mike check, mike check!"  'What the hell..?' You thought to yourself as you continued to look at the monitor.

"Ah, ah! Ah, ah! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" The high pitched  voice continued, you all just stood there in shock, already out of the water.

You didn't really seem to understand what the stupid bear was saying so you just zoned out, but then once everyone started heading to the locker rooms you had followed them and changed back into your clothes.

Time skip to when y'all get there. (I'm very tired im so sorry)

You and surprisingly, nagito were the last ones to get there. But gladly you weren't too late.

'D-did that bear just say for us to...k-kill each other..? There's no way!' You thought to yourself as you stood there in shock. Monokuma must have read your mind,"you heard me right kiddos! You gotta kill each other to get off this island!"  The monochrome bear started to jump around happily, and just then you fainted. Nagito was the one to carry you Back to your cabin.


You woke up to an unfamiliar raspy voice, "oh thank goodness you are awake! I thought that monokuma shocked you to death! Haha.." the white haired boy joked, though it honestly wasn't funny, "w-what happened? All I remember is monokuma saying something about us killing each other and then it all just went black.. could you please fill me in?" You asked as you slowly sat up, your headache making you a bit weak.

"You want trash like tell you what happened? I must be very lucky..." he said as he started to hug himself and breath heavily, "your not trash! Now please do fill me in.." nagito then filled you in on everything, the usami Thing, usami dying, and everything else.

Little did you know, this was the beginning of a very bizarre love story.


I am so glad that the prologue is out of the way so i can focus on the main story, they might be a bit short tho so dw, i will try to publish each chapter weekly or daily but it depends.

Have a nice day!!

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 (Yandere!nagito X GNReader) Where stories live. Discover now