chapter 4

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Quick little authors note!

The reason I haven't been able to write new chapters for the hope you keep within is because I broke my arm. I had to be at the hospital for like 3-5 days and I couldn't really type with my phone. But anyways here's chapter 15! I hope you enjoy!


After mikan's execution everyone just stood there, in complete and utter shock. No one knew what to say or do.

Nagito didn't seem to care. He was only thinking about what happened barely even 7 minutes ago.

Why did you do that for him? A worthless piece of garbage like him? He didn't know, but he was going to find out.


"Ughh... My head.." You woke up, but not in your cabin. You could barely see anything due to the lack of light in the small place.

"It's good to see that you've woken up, darling!" Came out a shrill and raspy voice.

"Wait- n-nagito! " You looked around for the pale boy but couldn't find him, until he came from the corner of the room with his arms crossed.

"It's good to see that youve recognized my stupid voice. How hopeful, how brilliant! How wonderful that someone like you could be able to recognize someone as worthless and as-"

"Shut up! Why am I here? Why can't I move? What do you want from me??" You cut him off, struggling in the ropes that were tied to your hands and ankles.

"Shh shh, sweetheart. All of those questions can be answered later. But now you need to wake up.."


"Wake up.. Hey.. Wake up!"

You jolted awake to see hajime, nagito, and chiaki all surrounded by your bed.

"H-huh...?" Was all you could manage to say.

"Oh thank goodness your awake! Youve been asleep for a while!" Chiaki said before smiling at you. Well.. Kind of.

"What? What do you mean? What happened?"

"Before mikan got executed she said something about me not being able to be loved, and you tackled her and choked her. But akane stopped you. You then blacked out." Nagito explained, looking at you with a very... Lustful gaze.

"What he said." Was all hajime said.

"I did WHAT!? God I feel so horrible. I did... That to my ..friend." You covered your face in embarrassment. Nagito seemed to frown by the way you called mikan your friend.

"Well.. Theres no way to apologize. But either way, you should eat. Me nagito, hajime, and everyone else are gonna he heading down to the diner in a few minutes. You should come!" Chiaki incouraged you to tag along.

"I.. I guess I could eat something right now.
Just let me freshen up." You shoo'ed them away and out of the door.


You finished freshening up and headed outside where chiaki and nagito were waiting for you.

"Wait what happened to hajime? Where did he go?" You asked.

"Oh, he said that he'd catch up with the others. A bit rude of him.." Nagito quickly answered your question.

"Eh, it's fine. Lets just hurry before we're late!" You pulled chiaki and nagito along as you made your way to the diner.

The three of you made it to the diner and went inside to see hajime chatting with fuyuhiko, gundham and Sonia were playing with gundham's hamsters, and mechamaru was eating with akane. While kazuichi just sat alone.

"Hey, we're here!" You exclaimed to the people inside the small diner. Everyone waved to you but hajime actually said hello.

Chiaki sat with fuyuhiko and hajime.

You and nagito sat at the back of the diner.

"So.. Uhm.." You tried to make conversation with the pale boy but it was hard.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. And I hope that you will he willing to listen." Nagito got serious as he held both of your hands in one of his.

"G-go ahead." You blushed a deep red at the sudden close proximity between you and nagito, he inhaled deeply.

"I am truly in love with the hope that sleeps deep inside of you. And I want to spend the rest of my short life with you on this island. I do hope that you will accept my confession." The sudden love confession made you deeply blush before looking away from him. You were in deep thought.

'Do I love him, too? He is cute. And nice, and we did do it that one time.. I don't know.. I Iike him, but I don't know about love."

You looked at nagito again, staring deeply into his pale eyes. You took a deep breath.

"Y-yes. I like you too, nagito." Nagito's eyes lit up before he smiled widely.

"Oh, how wonderful! How hopeful! Someone as hopeful as you actually likes me back! i truly am lucky.." He gave you a closed eye smile before kissing the back of you hand.

You didn't want to know what would happen if you said no.


Word count: 910

Hello my fellow readers! It's me, author!

I know I haven't published the chapters for the hope you keep within in a LONG while 😭.

Ive been very very busy. And like I said, I broke my arm. I will probably forget to write the next few chapters for a long while (like usual) so please don't be surprised if the next chapter comes out later than usual.

have a good morning or night!

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 (Yandere!nagito X GNReader) Where stories live. Discover now